首页> 中文期刊>宜宾学院学报 >《韩诗外传》对孟子学说的继承与发展




In addition to Xunzi , Mencius is an important source of Han Shi Wai Zhuan thoughts .HAN Ying adhered to Mencius ’ view about relationship of the monarch and his subjects and Mencius ’ evaluation of the sage.HAN Ying clearly affirmed the four levels of human nature including Ren , Yi, Li, Zhi, and inherited the culture method of Mencius .However he believed that Sage ’ education was a fundamental method to real-ize the good human nature .HAN Ying accepted Mencius ’ people-based thought , tariff thought and Jing-tian thought , and described the ideal society of Mencius .%就《韩诗外传》的学术渊源而言,孟子是荀子之外的一个重要源头。韩婴坚持孟子天子有不召之臣和诸侯不能友贤德之人的思想。在孟子圣贤观的基础上,他把仁道和仁者各分为四等。韩婴明确肯定人天生有“仁义礼智顺善之心”,继承孟子“反求诸己”“求其放心”“尽心”等内修路径,但他又把实现人之善性的根本工夫归结为明王圣主后天的教化。韩婴对孟子的民本思想、关税思想以及井田说表示认同,并重新描绘了孟子理想的社会图景。



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