首页> 中文期刊>西安财经学院学报 >道家学说在秦地的传播与发展




Based on the levels of physical development and the degree of difference,the propagation of Taoist thought in the dynasty of Qin can be divided into three stages.The first stage is the period before Shang Yang was car-cracked.It's the period of initial transmission of Taoist thought in the Qin.The second stage is the period from the death of Shang Yang to the thirty-fouth year of the first emperor of Qin.It's period of development and integration of Taoist thought in the Qin.The third stage is from the thirty-fourty year of the First Emperos of Qin to the perish of the Qin Dynasty.It's the period of temporary occultation of Taoist thought in Qin.The propagation of Taoism thought in Qin was carried out within the framework of the Legalist thought as the dominant ideology.The development process was deeply influenced by the polit-ical changes of Dynasty.%基于事物发展水平及程度的不同,道家及其学说在秦地的传播可以分为三个阶段:第一个阶段是商鞅被车裂前之时期,是道家思想在秦地的初步传播期;第二个阶段是自商鞅死后至秦始皇三十四年之时期,是道家学说在秦地的发展、融合期;第三个阶段是自秦始皇三十四年至秦朝灭亡之时期,是道家思想在秦地的暂时衰退期.道家学说在秦地的传播是在法家思想为主导思想的框架内进行的,其发展历程深受秦人政治变革的影响.



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