首页> 中文期刊>武陵学刊 >论严羽兴趣、诗识与妙悟诗论的得与失




Yan Yu’s poem theory, focusing on interest, poetic insight and sudden understanding, criticizes the disadvantages of Jiangxi poem school and summarizes the aesthetic features of the poems of the Tang and Song Dy-nasties. It not only is of significance in identifying the transition of aesthetic taste between dynasty changes, but also has some imperfect points. His interest theory proposes a new ideal about poem realm and maintains that poem cre-ation should follow the Han, Wei and Tang dynasties. However, it also includes an inner and subtle contradiction be-cause of historical trend. His poetic insight and sudden understanding theories point out the correct way of writing po-ems and touch the essence of poem by commenting on poems through Zen. However, they have their own defects. Therefore, we should analyze objectively the advantages and disadvantages of Yan Yu’s poem theory on the basis of historical background.%  严羽论诗以兴趣、诗识和妙悟为着眼点,指陈江西诗派积弊,总结唐宋诗美特质,既有标识时代审美趣味变迁的重要意义,又有自身立论取法未尽完善的弊端。兴趣说提出了新的诗歌至境的理想,主张诗学汉魏盛唐,但历史潮流与时代风会的影响又使其诗论主张包含着微妙的矛盾。诗识与妙悟说指出了学诗的门径和方法,以禅说诗顺应了时代风气而触及到诗歌美学的本质,同时其理论缺陷也使妙悟说自陷其弊。对严羽论诗的利弊得失应结合时代背景而作具体分析。



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