首页> 中文期刊>武汉理工大学学报(交通科学与工程版) >基于多连杆的机器人步行机构运动特性分析




In the studying and designing process for the robotic walking system, theoretical analysis and simulation on the kinematic characteristics of the walking mechanism of the robot are done. From our experiments,the path curve of the drop-foot point is obtained. The walking mechanism is formed with multi-links. It has a total of six groups of the same structure . The whole mechanism uses one motor. The drop-foot point does cyclical movement through the mechanism transmission , to make the robot go forward , backward , and move through obstacles in a certain range. The general requirements of the path curve of the drop-foot point is met in this mechanism: The robot moves in the first half period , keeping the drop-foot as high as possible above the ground , with some horizontal displacement; In the second half period the drop-foot point returns to the initial position , and its path curve is kept as parallel as possible with the ground.%在研究设计机器人步行系统过程中,对所设计机器人步行机构的运动特性进行了理论分析和仿真实验,得出了步行机构落足点的运动轨迹曲线.步行机构为多连杆机构,共6组,每组结构相同.该机构采用1台电机,通过机构传动,来实现落足点周期性的运动,从而实现机器人的前进、后退以及一定范围内的越障.该步行机构满足落足点运动轨迹的一般要求:前半个周期实现迈步动作,落足点尽可能的高于地面,并有一定的水平位移;后半个周期使落足点回到初始位置,并保证其轨迹尽可能的与地面平行.



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