首页> 中文期刊>湖南师范大学社会科学学报 >网络口碑如何影响电影票房--中国电影“高票房低口碑”现象反思




In the C hinese m ovie industry, it seem s that the m ore negatively the WOM is the higher box office it achieves. This phenom enon has got researchers’attention. This article uses 55 C hinese m ovies’online WOM inform ation to exam ine how WOM affects box office revenue. The WOM data were collected from Gewara web site. The em pirical analysis indicates that:the volum e of WOM and the opening week box office have positive influence on box office;the valence of WOM has negative influence on box office and has no influence on its volum e;the opening week box office has positive influence on the volum e of WOM . O n the basis of which,the paper thinks that the causes of“high box of-fice and low WOM ”lies in the lack of cultural connotations. Som etim e C hinese m ovies pay m uch attention to visual ef-fects,but neglect video content.%国产电影市场上,高票房低口碑的现象引起了研究者的反思。在格瓦拉生活网上选取了55部国产电影作为样本,通过实证分析探索网络口碑影响电影票房的内在机制。研究结果表明:网络口碑数量、首周票房对电影总票房存在显著地正向影响;网络口碑效价对电影总票房存在显著的负向影响,对网络口碑数量的影响不显著;首周票房对网络口碑的数量存在显著的正向影响。在此基础上,认为中国电影“高票房低口碑”的根本原因在于追求视觉效果,而忽视了影片内容的锻造,影片文化内涵缺失。



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