首页> 中文期刊>湖南师范大学社会科学学报 >伊壁鸠鲁与道家的人生哲学比较




The Epicureanism in ancient Greek and the Taoism of Chinese pre-qin were important schools of thought at the time when civilization started. As philosophical echo for all-round troubled times, they share some similarities in philosophy for life, such as keeping away from politics, living a simple life, dialectically seeing good and evil, weal and woe,life and death. In spite of the different starting point in ontology,they have got the same conclusion of re-fusal to intelligence. They have different features in either thinking style or technique of expression,and also exhibit dif-ferent historical vitality. But,because to be it’s experience,Epikouros is often thought of the father of hedonism by the later generations.%古希腊伊壁鸠鲁学说和中国先秦道家作为轴心时代东西两大文明起源的重要哲学流派,由于同为全局性乱世的哲学回声,在人生哲学方面表现出诸多的相同之处和异中之同,如都崇尚远离政治,过自然的简约生活,辩证地看待善恶、祸福与生死;尽管在本体论上持不同的出发点,却都因伦理本位而得出拒智主义结论。两家在思维方式和表现手法上各具特色,并展现了不同的历史生命力。但毕竟,穿着快乐主义外衣的伊壁鸠鲁学说有时被后世享乐主义认祖归宗,尽管后者以貌取人。



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