首页> 中文期刊> 《曲靖师范学院学报 》 >论《红楼梦》中林黛玉的死亡意识




Lin Daiyu's orphaned childhood resulted in a deep imprint of death awareness in her inner world. Because of homelessness and loneliness resulted from her dependence on others, she likes solitude and hates living in groups, and she often weeps and mentions "death" in her daily life. Her poetry and song prose voice her inner temperament: plaintive sadness, uneven depression, decadent repression, and noble haught- iness,meanwhile they express a strong hunch of her fate of life and death, containing a strong sense of death. Death awareness endows Lin Daiyu with the most poetic and poignant life, and makes A Dream of Red Mansions become an elegy of life of women and an enduring unprecedented tragedy.%林黛玉自幼父母双亡,寄人篱下的飘零与孤独,使她喜散不喜聚,在日常生活中爱哭流泪,经常说“死”。林黛玉诗词抒写其内心的哀伤凄怆、抑郁不平、苦闷颓伤的情感,孤傲高洁的性情,对自己生离死别的命运有强烈的预感,蕴含着强烈的死亡意识。死亡意识使林黛玉成为最富有诗意也最凄美的生命,使《红楼梦》成为一曲女性生命的挽歌,一出旷世未有的悲剧。



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