


陈独秀一生致力教育事业,对教育有独到的见解。“五四”时期,陈独秀希望通过发展教育来追求国民个性的解放、人格的独立,提倡民主、科学的教育思想;认为顺应时代的发展,教育也应该与时俱进。“五四”之后,陈独秀发现教育不能脱离社会,提出社会主义的教育。陈独秀已跳出中国传统的教育模式,他的教育观不是彻底否定中国传统的教育,而是对传统教育的继承与升华。陈独秀的教育观可归结为彰显时代特征的教育观、继承与升华传统的教育观、革故鼎新的教育观三个方面。陈独秀对教育的探索,深深影响了中国的教育事业,他所提出的这些思想主张至今仍然具有一定的现实意义。%Chen Duxiu devoted himself to a lifetime career of education .To meet the developing demand of the society of China ,Chen Duxiu had his own interpretation of education .During the May 4th Movement , Chen Duxiu wished to pursue the liberation of Chinese people’s character and independence of moral quali-ty and to encourage the democratic and scientific thinking of education by developing education .In order to adjust to new times ,education also needs to keep up with the times .After the May 4th Movement ,Chen Duxiu realized that education cannot be isolated from society .Therefore ,he put forward the concept of so-cialist education .Chen Duxiu’s educational view s go far beyond the Chinese traditional educational model but are not a duplicate of western education .His educational views can be concluded as the highlight of characteristics of times ,the carrying on and distillation of the traditions and reforming and innovation of the past .Chen Duxiu’ s study of education has deeply impacted on the Chinese educational cause . His thinking and proposals are still showing certain realistic significance in China .



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