首页> 中文期刊> 《江苏师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 >中国经学史诠释之方法论考察--以熊十力“释经法”为中心




The earliest cultural works in China are the"Six Classics",and Chinese philosophy history is mostly based on the interpretation and expansion of the traditional classics"Six Classics".The six classics have a history of over two thou-sand years.Compared with other ancient civilizations,the continuity of Chinese culture is also a special phenomenon.It is the result of the constant exploration of the"Six Classics".Therefore,it is of particular importance to explore and inter-pret the"methodology" of"Six Classics".The methodology of the interpretation of the traditional classics is borrowed and the vision and method of the modern philosophy are used to re-examine the traditional classics study materials,mak-ing the historical materials become the important academic resources of constructing our own ideological system and build-ing our own philosophy.Xiong Shili is certainly no exception.In order to construct his own philosophy system,he also can not do it without the interpretation of the"Six Classics",which must cause the problems about interpretation of the"methodology".Mr.Xiong takes"metaphor" and"falsifying" as his weapon,starts on the"Six Classics" interpretation, constructs his"moral metaphysics"system and become a"modern Confucian trinity".Nevertheless,Mr.Xiong's"exeget-ical study" and even the whole exegetical methodology history of China have certain limitations.%我国最早的文化典籍为“六经”,中国哲学史大都以对传统典籍“六经”的诠释而展开。这六部经典距今已有两千多年的历史。从某种意义上说,中国文化之所以延续不绝,相对于其他文明古国来讲,主要的就是源于不断地对“六经”进行阐释的结果,因此,探讨诠释“六经”的“方法论”尤为重要。自近代以来,学者们不断地借鉴诠释传统经学的“方法论”,以“现代哲学”的眼光和方法来重新审视传统经学史的材料,使经学史的材料成为建构自己思想体系的重要学术资源,构建自己的哲学体系。熊十力先生也不例外,为了建构自己的哲学体系,他也离不开对“六经”进行诠释,这势必会产生阐释经学的“方法论”的问题。熊先生以“譬喻”和“辨伪”法为武器,开始了对“六经”的阐释,并建构了自己的“道德形上学”体系,因之而成为“现代儒学三圣”。当然,熊先生的“释经法”乃至整个中国经学史的诠释方法均存在着一定的历史局限性。



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