首页> 中文期刊>湖南工业大学学报(社会科学版) >沈从文的创作与水合流共生现象溯源




There is a covert isomorphic relation between all the creation of Shen Congwen and“Water”.“Water”is not only the image and embodiment of Shen Congwen's philosophy of life,but also the significant code to inter-pret the connotation of his novels.The intrinsic cultural factors within “water”such as solitude,barrier,depres-sion,agree highly with the emotional core of Shen Congwen who regards himself as a“countryman”,and show the tragic implication of his creation;As the external image of women,“water”is the symbol of harmony in human and nature idea of life,which indicates the writer’s ideal pursuit of human nature.As the main image of works,“water”is the portrayal of writer’s dual personality with the harmony of his flexibility and doughtiness,and is al-so confluent and co-existent harmoniously with his writing style.%沈从文的创作与“水”存有某种隐秘的同构关系。“水”是沈从文生命哲学的形象化和具体化,也是解读沈氏小说思想内涵的重要符码。“水”内蕴孤独、阻隔、忧郁等文化因子,与自命“乡下人”的沈从文的情感内核高度契合,显现出作品的悲剧性意蕴;“水”作为女性形象的外化,是天人合一自然生命观的表征符,寄寓了作家理想人性的追求;“水”作为作品的主体意象,实为作家柔韧与刚强和谐一体的双重人格写照,亦与其文格交汇合流和谐共生。



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