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Meaning Making Process and Recovery Journeys Explored Through Songwriting in Early Neurorehabilitation: Exploring the Perspectives of Participants of Their Self-Composed Songs Through the Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis




>Objectives: This pilot study examined how 15 participants in early rehabilitation described their self-composed Songs 6- to 12-months following participation in a 6-week identity-focused songwriting program. Specific focus was given to the process of meaning making and identity reconstruction in the participants’ self-composed songs.>Methods: Data were collected through individual semi-structured interviews (n = 15) and analyzed using interpretative phenomenological analysis. Findings were developed idiographically as super-ordinate themes unique to each participant, then analyzed across cases to identify recurrent themes and subthemes.>Results: Participants described the songwriting process as taking them through one of four distinct recovery journeys described by individuals following acquired neurodisability who underwent a focused therapeutic songwriting program. These included (1) re-conceptualizing values and shifting perspectives about self (my body is broken but my mind has been set free); (2) recognizing acquired inner resources to negotiate discrepancies in self (hope is there); (3) confirming existing values and identifying resources and coping strategies (I have what I need to move forward); (4) confirming previously held values and ongoing process of negotiating discrepancies in self (I don’t yet have the answers).>Conclusion: The current study provides insight into the nature and process of meaning making and recovery journeys perceived by individuals with neurodisability. Our findings suggest that songwriting could be a therapeutic tool to facilitate identity reconstruction in neurorehabilitation.
机译:>目标:这项初步研究调查了15名早期康复参与者在参加为期6周的以身份为重点的歌曲创作计划后的6至12个月内如何描述自己创作的歌曲。 >方法:通过个体半结构化访谈(n = 15)收集数据,并使用解释现象学进行分析。分析。结果以独特的方式作为每个参与者独特的上级主题进行开发,然后跨案例进行分析以识别重复出现的主题和子主题。>结果:参与者将歌曲创作过程描述为经历了所描述的四个不同的恢复旅程之一由获得性神经残疾的患者进行了专门的治疗性歌曲创作程序。其中包括:(1)重新观念化价值观和对自我的看法发生变化(我的身体破碎了,但我的思想却自由了); (2)确认获得的内部资源以协商自我中的差异(希望在那里); (3)确认现有价值并确定资源和应对策略(我有前进的需要); (4)确认先前持有的价值观和进行自我差异谈判的过程(我还没有答案)。>结论:当前研究提供了对意义产生和恢复的性质和过程的洞察力神经残障人士感知的旅程。我们的发现表明,歌曲创作可能是促进神经康复中身份重建的治疗工具。



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