首页> 中文期刊> 《高教学刊》 >创对外汉语教学在澳门之先河--《汉语教程》系列课本浅析




根据《基本法》规定,中文自1999年12月澳门回归后定为和葡葡牙语并列使用,并具有相同法律效力的官方语言。为此,在回归前的过渡时期,前澳葡政府就已着手为此做准备,专门开设有关的语言培训课程,对葡籍或土生葡裔公务员进行汉语的应急强化训练。本文根据相关的语言教学理论和原则,尝试从语音、语法和词汇三个方面,对《汉语教程》系列课本的第一和第二册教材,做一粗略的梳理和分析,值此对该系列教材的语言教学价值和历史意义做出客观的评价。%As defined by the terms of "Basic Law", when Macao was handed over to China from December, 1999, Chinese language would become one of the two official languages in Macao, in parallel with Portuguese hav-ing the equivalent legal effects. The former Macao Portuguese Government therefore specially organized series of in-tensive training courses for the Portugal-born or Macanese civil servants to learn Chinese language during the tran-sitional period. With the intention to evaluate the linguistic teaching values and historical significance, as well as to compliment the tremendous efforts and mastery devoted by the two editors, objective comments and skipping analysis were tried upon the series textbooks, Manual de Mandarim Level I-III (Book 1 & 2) in this paper mainly from the three aspects of phonetics, grammar and vocabulary, in line with some relevant theories for language education and principles.



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