首页> 中文期刊>衡水学院学报 >董仲舒的崇儒重教及其现代意义




Dong Zhongshu’s ideas can be summarized as “praising Confucianism and valuing education”. His deep understanding and high prase of Confucian thougths can be seen from his suggestion of respecting Confucianism alone to Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty in his Countermeasures to be Able and Virtuous. He emphasized the idea of benevolence and advocated moral education rather than punishment, which is closely related to his theory of human nature. In the three contermeasures in his Countermeasures to be Able and Virtuous, he outlined the education principles and put forward some specific education suggestions. It can be said that his praising Confucianism and valuing education is of great modern significance. Confucian thoughts are suitable for people. The idea of enriching people’s material wealth before educating them is still valued today and that of selecting officials for reform and not striving for gain with people still plays an important role in modern times.%董仲舒的思想主张可概括为“推崇儒学”“重视教化”。董仲舒于《贤良对策》中建议汉武帝独尊儒术,可见其对儒家思想的理解及推重程度。董子强调仁义之道,主张重德轻刑。董仲舒之所以重视教化,与其所持之人性论密切相关。董仲舒在《贤良对策》的三策中,针对教化或作原则性概述,或提出具体的主张。董仲舒崇儒重教极具现代意义。儒家思想切于民用;为富而后教在今日尤宜重视;为改革选吏制度、不与民争利之主张仍富有现代作用。



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