首页> 外国专利> Apparatus and method for composing piano pieces and teaching piano music notation and teaching piano playing

Apparatus and method for composing piano pieces and teaching piano music notation and teaching piano playing



The present invention provides an apparatus and a teaching method, and a composing method; and provides Music Cling™ sheets printed with Berry Musical(© 2014 Carol Caldwell-Edmonds and Shannon Edmonds) music notation symbols. The Music Cling™ sheets cling to a piano keyboard, and to an apparatus that is an object of this present invention. The size of the spaces between the 5 Berry Musical staff lines comprise an exact match between placement of notes on said staff and finger placement on standard piano keys. The use of static cling vinyl sheets printed as described above as manipulatives, not as labels or identifiers is new and unique. This invention does not require that students memorize letters, symbols, and the music staff before they can play music; rather it allows students to manipulate symbols when printed on Music Cling sheets as described to learn how to play piano.
机译:本发明提供了一种装置,教导方法以及构成方法。并提供印有Berry Musical(©2014 Carol Caldwell-Edmonds和Shannon Edmonds)音乐符号的Music Cling™床单。 Music Cling TM片材粘附在钢琴键盘上,并粘附在本发明的目的的设备上。 5条Berry Musical谱线之间的间距大小包括该谱号上的音符放置与标准钢琴键上的手指放置之间的精确匹配。如上所述印刷的静电粘合乙烯基片材作为操作剂而不是标签或标识符的使用是新颖且独特的。本发明不需要学生在演奏音乐之前先记住字母,符号和乐谱。相反,它允许学生按所述方式在印在Music Cling纸上时操作符号,以学习弹钢琴的方法。



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