首页> 中文期刊>海南师范大学学报(社会科学版) >“公民性”、生活崇拜与“交叉”结构——论路遥的精神遗产




作为文化民族主义实践的先行者和固执的坚守者,路遥将一种高于个体的集体性自我意识的“公民性”内化为自觉价值,崇拜真实的、充满着思想深度和历史内涵的生活,并在长期的生活体验和创作劳动中,逐渐形成了一种“交叉”经验意识并使其成为相对稳定的结构,即作品与生活同构对应的交叉式“精神结构”,这些遗产无疑对80年代以来的文学有着重要的精神启示意义。%As a pioneer and persistent adherent in the practice of cuhural nationalism, Lu Yao has in- ternalized "civility"--a collective self-awareness above individuals--into a conscious value, and adored ac- tual life full of mental depths and historical connotations. Moreover, in the course of his long-term life expe- riences and creative labor, he has gradually developed a kind of "overlapping" experience of consciousness and has rendered it into a relatively stable structure, namely, the overlapping "mental structure" isomorphic and corresponding between works and life. These heritages have surely boasted important spiritual enlighten- ing significance for literature since the 1980s.



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