首页> 中文期刊>广东外语外贸大学学报 >写长法中的纠错模式初探--一项基于学生态度的实证研究




写长法主张把学生的情感因素放在首位,不提倡老师直接改正学生作文中的语言错误,鼓励学生自己进行修改。虽然写长法的有效性得到广泛的认可,然而,迄今为止鲜有实证研究从学生的角度出发对写长法中改错模式进行探索。因此,本文主要研究学生对写长法中所采取的作文改错方法的态度,改错方法包括课堂集体改错、老师改错、同学互改和自我修改。本研究对61名学生进行了问卷调查,结果发现,比起同学互改和自我修改,学生更加偏爱老师改正和课堂上集体改正作文中的错误,说明中国学生在写作中仍然依赖老师指出自己的错误以获得进步。造成这一现象的原因主要应该是学生的依赖心里、自信心不足和教师的引导不够等。%The Length Approach holds that the students’ affects should be given first priority, so teachers should be encouraged to ignore students’ errors in their compositions, and have these self-corrected. The effectiveness of the Length Approach has been extensively accepted in L2 writing. However, up to now few empirical studies have been conducted on the modes of error correction from the perspective of students. Hence, the present study aims to find out about students’ opinions on the modes of error correction in the Length Approach. The modes of error correction include self-correction, peer correction, collective correction in class and teachers’ correction. 61 students from Guangdong University of Foreign Studies participated in the study. The results show that students prefer teachers’ correction and collective correction in class to peer correction and self-correction, indicating that students still depend much on teachers’ correction of their errors. This phenomenon may result from students’ mental dependence on their teachers, their lack of confidence and teachers’ inadequate guidance. These find-ings can have some implications for the teaching of L2 writing.



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