首页> 中文期刊>教育学报 >师生人际关系对教师教学反馈及学生行为的影响研究




教学过程不仅仅是一个认识过程,同时又是一个涉及师生人际关系动态交互作用的过程。通过对四位教师课堂教学中呈现出的875个完整的“学生姓名—教师提问—学生回答—教师反馈方式”的研究样本的分析,考查了师生的人际关系对教师教学反馈和学生行为的影响。研究表明:(1)教师的态度通过各种方式被教师转化到教学行为中,表现出对待某些学生明显不同于对待其他学生的行为;(2)可根据师生教学互动过程中师生双方各自的行为表现归纳出师生人际关系的互动模式;(3)师生互动模式相比教师的态度更有助于解释师生的人际关系,学生主动寻求交流的行为比教师积极的教学反馈更有助于促进学生回答与教师提问之间的认知一致性。%Teaching is not only a cognitive process;it is also a process involving dynamic interaction between students and teachers.The study explored how interpersonal relationships between teachers and students affected teachers’feedback and student behavior by analyzing 875 sample cases of student name-teacher asking questions-student answering questions-ways of teacher feedback.The results show that:(1)teachers’attitudes were translated into teaching behaviors through diverse ways,and teachers showed differences in their interaction with students;(2)the model of teacher-student interaction could be set ac-cording to student and teacher behaviors respectively in the process of classroom interaction;(3)teacher-student interaction,compared with teachers’attitudes,could better explain the interpersonal relationships between teachers and students.Students’active behaviors for communication,compared with teachers’ positive feedback,contributed more to the consistency between teacher asking questions and student an-swering questions.



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