首页> 中文期刊>远程教育杂志 >学生对技术支持的学习空间的感知研究




The transformation from traditional teaching space to technology-enhanced learning space has become inevitable, because traditional teaching space could not meet the pedagogical needs advocated by the new learning science and contemporary mainstream learning theory represented by constructivism. A quasi-experimental research method is adopted to study students ’ perceptions on technology-enhanced learning space and explore the impact of technology-enhanced learning space on students' academic achievement. The results show that students have favorable perceptions on technology-enhanced learning space which can promote students’ engagement and social interaction, however, no significant influence on students ’ academic achievements is found. The “wireless network” tops the list of important characteristics students consider, followed by “virtual simulation software” and“polygon experiment table”.%传统教学空间无法满足新的学习科学和以建构主义为代表的当代主流学习理论所倡导的教学方法和教学策略的实际需求,因此,从传统教学空间到技术支持的学习空间的变革成为研究热点。基于一个技术支持的学习空间,通过准实验研究方法研究学生对技术支持的学习空间的感知,探究技术支持的学习空间对学生学业成就的影响。研究结果表明,学生对技术支持的学习空间具有良好的感知,技术支持的学习空间能够促进学生的参与水平和社会性交互水平,但对学生的学业成就没有显著影响。学生认为最为重要的三个特征依次是“无线网络”、“虚拟仿真软件”和“多边形实验桌”。



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