首页> 中文期刊> 《中国石油大学学报(社会科学版)》 >当代大学生网络成瘾障碍的原因与对策




As a new psychological and social problem, the undergraduates'internet addiction disorder has attracted extensive attention. Internet addiction disorder causes physiological function disorder, interpersonal indifference, study obstacle, and even induce crimes among college students, which is not only related with the network's own characteristics and personality traits of college students, but also schools lack of supervision, family education loopholes and social laws and imperfect regulations. Therefore, we'd take psychological intervention strategies for effective regulation and guidance on undergraduates'internet addiction disorder, awaken the in-dividual consciousness, strengthen family's education guidance, strengthen college's ideological and political education and frustration education, purify the social environment and improve the legislation of network so as to help the students go out of the virtual world of network and come back to the real life.%大学生“网络成瘾”作为一种新的心理问题和社会问题被学界广泛关注。网络成瘾障碍导致大学生生理机能紊乱、人际关系淡漠、学业产生障碍,甚至诱发大学生犯罪,这不仅与网络自身的特性和大学生的人格特质有关,而且也与学校监管的乏力、家庭教育的漏洞与社会法律法规的不健全有关。因此,应当对网络成瘾大学生进行积极有效的心理干预治疗、唤醒个体意识自觉、强化家庭教育引导、加强学校的思想政治教育和抗挫折教育、净化社会环境并完善网络立法,从而使大学生走出虚拟的网络世界,回归现实生活。



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