首页> 中文期刊>首都体育学院学报 >基于体育教师PCK结构的课例研修程序研究




PCK结构的构成要素及其内在的程序关系,可以对传统的体育教师课例研修程序进行改造,并可以结合体育教学实际设计出符合其特点的实践路径,既有助于改进体育教师常态教研方式,又有利于优化体育学科校本研修和区域研修的内容,促进体育教师群体协作研修能力的提升.通过分析与运用体育教师PCK结构的内部要素及其内在的程序关系,对传统的体育教师课例研修程序进行设计与改造.基于PCK结构的体育教师课例研修程序需要经历建立课例研修组织、寻找课例研修主题、开展课例研修活动、研修成果评价与改进4个密切配合的环节,期间采取研讨与学习、授课与观课、研课与磨课、总结与提升的方式,使体育教师PCK结构中的各要素有机地融入到课例研修程序之中.%PCK structure elements and its internal procedures can reform the traditional physical education teacher's class research program,and can be combined with the actual design of the practical path for its features,which is not only helpful to improve the normal teaching mode of PE teachers,but also conducive to the optimization of physical education school-based training and regional training content and the promotion of PE teachers'training group collaboration ability.Through the analysis and application of PCK elements within the structure of PE teachers and program of the intrinsic relationship between PE teachers,the traditional class research program is thus redesigned and reconstructed.Physical education teachers'class research program based on PCK structure needs to undergo the four closely correlated stages of establishing class research organization, looking for class research topics,organizing class research activities,training class evaluation and improvement with the approaches of study & learning,teaching & observation,research & improvement,and summary & promotion,so as to organically integrate the elements of PE teachers'PCK structure into class research program.



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