首页> 中文期刊>科教导刊 >三本对外汉语写作教材编写理念的比较研究




我国对外汉语教育事业的蓬勃发展,使得对外汉语教材的研究也进入了新的时期。然而,对外汉语写作教材相对于其他课程的教材而言,一是起步比较晚,二是研究也相对落后一些。所以,这样的局面已经不能满足对外汉语写作实践的要求。本文从以结果教学法、过程教学法、任务教学法为中心的三种写作教材编写理念的角度入手,分别选取《汉语写作教程(二年级教材)》、《外国人汉语过程写作》、《体验汉语写作教程(中级2)》三本主流的对外汉语写作教材为研究对象。本文通过对三部有代表性教材的范文的探讨,希望能为今后对外汉语写作教材的编写提供一点新的思路。%Vigorous development of a foreign language education, making research in Chinese textbooks also entered a new era. However, foreign language teaching writing with respect to teaching other courses, the one rather late and second, and a number of studies is relatively backward. Therefore, such a situation can not meet the requirements of a foreign language writing practice. In this paper, results from a teaching point of view, the process of teaching, task-based approach centered on the concept of the three writing textbooks written in the start, were selected"Chinese Writing (second grade textbook),""Ali-ens Chinese writing process","experience Chinese writing (Intermediate 2)"three mainstream writing a foreign language tex-tbooks for the study. Through the discussion of the three typical articles, hope to provide some new ideas for the future of writing textbooks written in a foreign language.



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