首页> 中文期刊>中国海商法研究 >中国海难救助客体法律制度的梳理与完善——兼议中国海商法相关制度的修改




梳理和分析《中华人民共和国海商法》中海难救助客体法律制度的内容和特点,从比较和构建海洋强国的战略理念出发,反思中国海难救助客体法律制度中的不足,并就中国海难救助客体具体内容的完善提出建议。%This paper intends to study on contents and characteristics of legal systems of subject matter of salvage at sea under Maritime Code of the People's Republic of China. Proceed from the comparative angle and strategy of building a power of marine economy, this paper tries to analyze the drawbacks of our legal systems about subject matter of salvage at sea, puts forward a proposal for perfect the contents of our legal system about subject matter of salvage at sea. It is hoped that this paper may promote and stimulate the study and discussion in the Chinese maritime law circles on the legal systems of salvable subject matter at sea.



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