首页> 中文期刊>中华行为医学与脑科学杂志 >海马惊厥阈下电刺激对大鼠情感行为及空间学习记忆的影响



Objective To observe the effects of repeated subconvulsive electrical stimulations to hippocampus on rat's emotional behavior and spatial learning and memory. Mehtods The hippocampus of Wistar rats were repeatedly stimulated by constant pulsating current with intratrain frequencies of 16 Hz, pulsating duration of 1 ms, train duration of 10 s and interstimulus interval of 7 min for 5 days. Results The experimental rats displayed the long-term significant abnormalities of emotional behaviors, such as substantial changes of behavioral habits, hyperarousal, hypersensitive frightened reactions, anxiety-like behaviors, and transitory spatial learning and memory disorder. Conclusion The stable and practical animal model satisfied most characteristics of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD).%目的观察反复惊厥阈下电刺激海马对大鼠情感行为及空间学习和记忆的影响。方法采用频率25 Hz、波宽1 ms、串长10 s、串隔7 min、强度100 μA的恒流、单脉冲电流,连续5天反复刺激Wistar大鼠海马CA1区。结果成功诱发了实验动物较长时程的活动习性改变、警觉水平过高、惊恐行为、环境适应能力下降、躲藏逃避反应等多种情感行为异常,以及短暂空间学习和记忆能力障碍。结论海马惊厥阈下电刺激可基本满足创伤后应激障碍主要临床表现。



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