首页> 中文期刊>地域研究与开发 >基于迁居的郊区大型居住区社会空间形成--以北京回龙观居住区为例




Large communities of suburb is a new form of living in the suburbanization process and play an in -portant role in easing the pressure of population and function of central city .But due to the rapid development ,lack of planning and other reasons , there exists many problems in the construction of large communities .The paper takes Huilongguan of Beijing as an example to explore the behavior of intra -urban migration and the formation mecha-nism, and reflects the process of suburbanization problems in China .Studies have shown that: first, the social im-pact of the transition period and the main constraints of residents ’ intra-urban migration are family ties, government policies and economic capacity constraints ; second, the formation of the large communities stemmed from the joint action by government,units and the developers;third, the residents living in this type of community which is estab -lished within the rapid suburbanization process are complex components , high mobility and have weak sense of com -munity, the lives of these residents are much closer to the city center and the suburbs .The regional attractiveness in large communities should be enhanced, which is its current dilemma needs to solve in the present residential hy -brid background.%郊区大型居住区是我国郊区化过程中产生的一种新型居住形态,为缓解城市内部人口和功能压力起到了重要作用,但其由于过快开发、缺乏规划等原因出现的问题众多。以北京典型郊区居住区回龙观为例,从迁居行为角度探讨大型居住区的社会空间形成,以折射我国郊区化过程中存在的问题。郊区大型居住区的形成是政府、单位、开发商三者共同作用的结果,社会转型期影响居民迁居的主要推力和限制因素是家庭纽带、政府政策与经济能力;快速郊区化过程中建立的这类社区内部居民成分复杂、流动性强、社区意识较为薄弱,居民生活与城市中心及近郊内沿的联系紧密,地区吸引力有待增强。



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