首页> 中文学位 >认知学习风格在高中外语教学中的使用






1 Introduction

1.1 Background

1.2 Research Questions

2 Theoretical Basis for the Research

2.1 Cognitive Theory of Learning

2.1.1 Nature of Human Memory

2.1.2 The Information-processing Approach

2.1.3 Human Processing Capacity

2.1.4 Controlled and Automatic Processing

2.1.5 Organization of Knowledge

2.1.6 Components of Learning

2.2 Cognitive Styles

2.2.1 Reflectivity vs. Impulsivity

2.2.2 Field dependence vs. independence

2.2.3 Convergent thinking vs. Divergent thinking

2.3 Learning Styles Models

2.3.1 Knowles' Model of Learning Style

2.3.2 Oxford and Anderson's Model of learning Styles

2.3.3 Curry's Onion Model

2.3.4 Implications

2.4 Previous Researches into Learning Styles at Home and Abroad

2.4.1 Researches into Learning Styles in China

2.4.2 Researches into Learning Styles Abroad

2.5 Some Discussions on Learning Styles and Cognitive Styles

2.5.1 Learning Style and Learning Strategy

2.5.2 Learning style and teaching style: Matching or Mismatching

2.5.3 Learning styles: Nature and Nurture

2.5.4 Cognitive Style and Language Teaching

2.5.5Towards a Synthesis: Relevance of Learning Style Theory to EFL Learning

2.5.6 Limitation: Criticism of Learning Style Research

3 Diagnosing Learning Styles of Senior High School Students

3.1 Research Design for the Study

3.1.1 Purposes and Objectives

3.1.2 Approach and Procedure

3.2 Results, Analysis and Discussion

4 Teachers' Strategies in the Senior High School EFL Classroom

4.1 Create ESL Coures That Incorporat Style and Strategy Training

4.2 Some Suggestions Given on How to Apply Learning Styles' Information to the Senior High School EFL Classrooms

4.2.1 Increasing Student and Teacher Awareness of Learning-Style Preferences

4.2.2 Diagnosing the Students' learning Styles

4.2.3 Developing Self-awareness EFL Learners

4.2.4 Prompting the Development of Flexibility

4.2.5 Building up an Appropriate Teacher-learner Relationship

4.2.6 Enlightenment of Cognitive Style on Foreign Language Teaching

4.2.7 Multiple Approaches to Foreign Language Education

5 Conclusions

5.1 Findings

5.2 Limitation

5.3 Reflection and Advice on the Studies of Individual Different

5.4 Possibility for Future Research






传统上的高中英语教学以教师为中心,强调统一性,学生在英语学习中的主动性及个体差异性被忽视了。最近提倡素质教育和以学生为中心的教学方法使高中英语教学越来越重视学习者的主体作用|。如何以学生为中心,针对学生的个体特点和差异在高中英语教学中进行有效地教学,一直是英语教学的核心问题。具有不同认知和学习风格的学习者所采取的学习策略也不同。因此,在高中外语教学中,教师应选用适合于学习者认知方式的教学方法,真正做到因材施教。 本文首先通过对认知学习风格理论,风格类型及风格类型与语言学习的关系较全面的阐述,并综述了几年来国内外对认知学习风格的研究状况以及认知学习风格相关的问题。 在认知学习风格理论指导下,本研究采用了Reid的学习问卷调查表,通过对辽宁省葫芦岛市实验高中高三年级4班67名学生的问卷调查,并结合高三上学期期末英语成绩进行了相关数据的分析,对目前高中生认知学习风格有所了解。探讨了认知学习风格与学习成绩的关系,并据此提出相应的教学策略。



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