首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Mathematics, Science, Education and Technology >Validity And Practicality of Experiment Integrated Guided Inquiry-Based Module on Topic of Colloidal Chemistry for Senior High School Learning

Validity And Practicality of Experiment Integrated Guided Inquiry-Based Module on Topic of Colloidal Chemistry for Senior High School Learning




This Research & Development study aims to produce a valid and practical experiment integrated guided inquiry based module on topic of colloidal chemistry. 4D instructional design model was selected in this study. Limited trial of the product was conducted at SMAN 7 Padang. Instruments used were validity and practicality questionnaires. Validity and practicality data were analyzed using Kappa moment. Analysis of the data shows that Kappa moment for validity was 0.88 indicating a very high degree of validity. Kappa moments for the practicality from students and teachers were 0.89 and 0.95 respectively iindicating high degree of practicality. Analysis on the module filled in by students shows that 91.37% students could correctly answer critical thinking, exercise, prelab,postlabandworksheet questions asked in the module. These findings indicate that the integrated guided inquiry based module on topic of colloidal chemistrywas valid and practical for chemistry learning in senior high school
机译:该研发研究旨在生产关于胶体化学主题的有效和实用的实验综合查询模块。在本研究中选择了4D教学设计模型。该产品的有限试验在Sman 7 Padang进行。使用的仪器是有效性和实用性问卷。使用kappa时刻分析了有效性和实用性数据。数据分析显示有效性的Kappa矩为0.88,表明具有很高的有效程度。 Kappa的实用性,学生和教师的实用性分别为0.89和0.95分别高度实用性。学生填写的模块的分析表明,91.37%的学生可以正确地回答模块中提出的Postlabandwork表格问题。这些调查结果表明,基于胶体化学课题的综合指导查询模块有效和实用的高中化学学习



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