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Writing to Learn: The Effect of Peer Tutoring on Critical Thinking and Writing Skills of First-Year Engineering Students




In an effort to study the writing and critical thinking skills of first-year engineering students, the authors have engaged in a research study which asks whether critical thinking and writing of first-year (FY) students can be improved by linking engineering with English courses. One intervention developed for this study was the use of Writing Fellows (undergraduate peer tutors) in the engineering course. Writing Fellows (WF) have been found to be effective at enhancing the writing abilities of students in courses across the curriculum The specific sub-questions for this segment of the larger study are the focus of this paper: Does the WF experience improve writing and critical thinking? Do the FY students perceive the WF experience as helpful? Can the Writing Fellow experience help improve scores on reports in the engineering course? How does the experience have an impact on the Writing Fellows who are also Engineering students? Four undergraduate engineering students and one undergraduate English student were chosen as WFs. There were 71 students enrolled in Engineering 1111, a one-credit introduction to engineering course. The FY students in the class wrote two reports based on design activities: one was written at the beginning of the semester and the other at the end in order to compare scores and the effectiveness of the interventions. Results of grades on assignments, student evaluation of the tutor experience and reflective experiences of the WFs themselves were positive. These initial results confirm and extend work done with Writing Fellows across the curriculum: WFs do enhance the writing skills of students in the disciplines; the students perceive them to be helpful; and they do help content-based writing scores. In addition, the WFs' writing and communication skills benefit from the experience.
机译:为了研究一年的工程学生的写作和批判性思维技能,作者从事一项研究研究,要求通过将工程与英语课程联系起来,要求提高一年(FY)学生的批判性思考和写作。为本研究开发的一个干预是在工程课程中使用书写研究员(本科同伴)。写作家伙(WF)已被发现有效加强课程中学生在课程中的书写能力,这篇论文的焦点是焦点:WF经验是否改善了写作和关键思维? FY学生是否会认为WF经验有用?写作同伴体验可以帮助改善工程课程的报告评分吗?这一经验如何对工程学生的书写研究员产生影响?选择了四名本科生和一个本科英语学生被选为WFS。有71名学生参加工程1111,是一个信用工程课程的一笔信贷介绍。班上的FY学生根据设计活动写了两份报告:一个是在学期开始时写的,另一个是在最后,以比较得分和干预措施的有效性。作者级别的结果,学生评估导师经验和WFS本身的反思体验是积极的。这些初步结果证实并延长了在课程中写作研究员的工作:WFS确实提升了学科学生的写作技巧;学生认为他们有用;他们确实帮助基于内容的写作分数。此外,WFS的写作和沟通技巧受益于经验。



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