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Using Digital Map Tools to Assist Learning of Argumentative Essay Writing




In this paper, we design and implement a system that uses a digital map system to assist the learning of argumentative essay with Argument map and Concept map. The system had experimented in a primary school with 346 students for 20 weeks that is a whole semester with three groups: Argument Map, Concept Map, and conventional method. The contribution of this study is to improve the quality of student's essay writing by using the advantage of Argument Map. This study compares the effectiveness of the arguments in the essay writing based on the use of different argumentation strategies such as traditional writing, Concept Map writing, and Argumentative Map writing. The experiment results show that Argument Map group is the most significantly improving among the three groups. The analysis results on the improvement on three dimensions of argumentation: (1) claim, reason, and evidence, (2) arguments on supporting the claim and on refuting opposition claim, and (3) completeness and coherence are also reported in the paper.
机译:在本文中,我们设计并实现了一个系统,该系统使用数字地图系统通过Argument映射和Concept映射来协助论证论文的学习。该系统已在346名学生的小学中进行了为期20周的实验,整个学期分为三组:参数图,概念图和常规方法。这项研究的贡献是利用Argument Map的优势来提高学生的论文写作质量。本研究基于使用不同论证策略(例如传统写作,概念图写作和议论图写作)比较论文写作中论证的有效性。实验结果表明,参数映射组是三组中最显着的改进。分析结果从三个方面进行了改进:(1)主张,理由和证据;(2)支持主张和反对异议的论据;(3)完整性和连贯性。



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