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Production of High-Protein Flours as Milk Substitutes


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The world has experienced a resurgence of interest in grain amaranth because it is one of the few species with potential to become an important source of dietary protein. The proteins of this grain have a better balance of essential amino acids than that of common grains; different studies indicate that amaranth protein is notably high in lysine. The Aztecs credited amaranth seeds with medical properties; recently, scientifc information has accumulated supporting their nutraceutical characteristics. The feasibility of producing a high-protein flour (HPAF) was explored by us; two processes, liquefaction and saccharification were tested. As a result, a HPAF-L from liquefaction with 35.0percent protein and a HPAF-S from saccharification (HPAF-S) with 29.4percent protein were obtained. Essential amino acid profiles are roughly comparable to that of dry ilk. Iron contents of both flours were higher than that of dry milk. Protein digestibility of HPAF-L and HPAF-S were 85 and 89percent, respectively.
机译:世界上对谷a菜的兴趣重新兴起,因为它是少数有可能成为膳食蛋白质重要来源的物种之一。与普通谷物相比,该谷物的蛋白质具有更好的必需氨基酸平衡。不同的研究表明,a菜中的赖氨酸含量很高。阿兹台克人认为a菜种子具有医学特性。最近,科学信息已经积累起来,支持其营养保健特性。我们探讨了生产高蛋白面粉(HPAF)的可行性;测试了液化和糖化两个过程。结果,获得了由35.0%的蛋白质液化的HPAF-L和由糖化的具有29.4%的蛋白质的HPAF-S(HPAF-S)。必需氨基酸概况与干同类氨基酸大致相当。两种面粉中的铁含量均高于干奶。 HPAF-L和HPAF-S的蛋白质消化率分别为85%和89%。



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