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NP-hard的相关文献在1999年到2022年内共计65篇,主要集中在自动化技术、计算机技术、无线电电子学、电信技术、数学 等领域,其中期刊论文62篇、会议论文3篇、相关期刊46种,包括科技管理研究、曲阜师范大学学报(自然科学版)、科技致富向导等; 相关会议3种,包括第八届全国动力学与控制学术会议、第16届全国计算机新科技与教育研讨会、中国自动化学会华东地区学术交流会等;NP-hard的相关文献由167位作者贡献,包括Chadi Kallab、Jinane Sayah、Samir Haddad等。



论文:62 占比:95.38%


论文:3 占比:4.62%





  • Chadi Kallab
  • Jinane Sayah
  • Samir Haddad
  • Mohamad Chakroun
  • 周智
  • 张玉忠
  • 彭孜
  • 朱洪
  • 李伟
  • 汪驭超
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文




    • 崔允汀; 何胜学
    • 摘要: 针对任务指派中指派结果可能存在工作负荷分布极不平衡的问题,建立了公平性指派问题优化模型,并设计了求解模型的进化算法。以指派后代理的工作负荷与负荷均值的差值大小度量工作负荷的不均衡状况,将上述差值的平方和作为工作负荷的公平性指标。基于经典线性指派问题,构建了公平指派问题的优化模型。将相关问题按是否具有固定均值分为两类,并对两类问题的特征和求解策略加以分析。为提高计算效率,针对第二类指派问题的模型特征,设计了一种可求解过程中保持解的可行性的改进遗传算法。通过多个算例计算,并与Lingo软件求解结果对比,验证了模型和算法的合理性和有效性。研究表明:1) 一般情况下,公平性指派问题是一类具有NP-hard特征的三次指派问题;2) 追求公平的指派结果可能导致整体的工作负荷量增加;3) 所设计的遗传算法可高效求解各种规模的公平指派问题,但往往只能给出局部最优解;4) 变异系数对求解结果有显著影响,过大或过小的变异系数值均不利于算法求得最佳解。
    • Chadi Kallab; Samir Haddad; Imad El-Zakhem; Jinane Sayah; Mohamad Chakroun; Nisrine Turkey; Jinan Charafeddine; Hani Hamdan; Wafaa Shakir
    • 摘要: The Multiple Sequence Alignment problem is considered to be an NP-Hard problem, requiring initially a specific encoding schema and design, as for any other of its siblings, to implement and run any of the main categories of heuristic. This paper intends to discuss our proposed generic implementation of the Tabu Search algorithm, a heuristic procedure proposed by Fred Glover to solve discrete combinatorial optimization problems. In this research, we try to coordinate and synchronize different designs/implementations discussed in many literatures, with some of the references mentioned in this paper. The basic idea is to avoid that the search for best solutions stops when a local optimum is found, by maintaining a list of non-acceptable or forbidden (taboo) solutions/costs, called Tabu list or Short-Term Memory (STM). In our algorithm, we attempt to add some executions tracing functionalities in order to help later analysis for initial parameters tuning. On the other hand, we propose to include the concept of a list called Long-Term Memory (LTM), so that some of the best solutions found so far can be saved, for search diversification.
    • Chadi Kallab; Samir Haddad; Jinane Sayah; Mohamad Chakroun
    • 摘要: One of the many problems that are considered to be NP-Hard is the Multiple Sequence Alignment one that initially requires, as for any other of its siblings, a specific encoding schema and design of the main functionalities of the heuristics algorithm being implemented and executed. This paper intends to discuss our proposed generic implementation of the Simulated Annealing, inspired for the procedure of cooling and shaping methods of metals. In our algorithm, we attempted to add some executions tracing functionalities in order to help later analysis for initial parameters tuning. On another hand, we also tried to get closer in our attempt to mimic the cooling of metals, but giving it an option to run under different cooling schedules. We proposed a few schedules that seemed to be studied and/or used in many algorithm implementations.
    • Chadi Kallab; Samir Haddad; Jinane Sayah
    • 摘要: This document elaborates on the generic implementation one of the main heuristics algorithms verified through its quick application to a biology problem requiring to find out an optimal sequences tree topology. In order to solve this problem, categorized as Non-Polynomial Hard (NP-Hard), “to minimize differences between given (leaf) and/or derived (parent) sequences”, many popular methods are used. “The higher the number of given sequences is, the more advisable and efficient it would be to go towards heuristics as they would provide a close-enough solution faster, as for instance genetic algorithms amongst others do. Thus, as part of a larger research in Heuristics and phylogenies, this paper aims to suggest a generic advanced flexible implementation of the Genetic Algorithm verified by a “general way to encode the problem into instances of different heuristic algorithms” as mentioned in our first reference below. The proposed algorithm will also present a chronology traceability feature for further analysis and potential improvements.
    • 秦媛媛
    • 摘要: RSS(Random Sampling Scheme)随机抽样方案,是一种简单有效、基于优先级规则来求解著名的NP难问题(NP-hard)中的 RCPSP 问题(Resource Constrained Project Scheduling Problem,资源受限项目调度问题)的方法.基于此,本文提出了一种通用的机器学习方法来改进RSS,将强化学习的ROUT算法(ROUT-algorithm)与SVM(Support Vector Machine,支持向量机)方法相结合,得到一个更理想的值函数,以此来指导RSS给出更佳的搜索策略.由RCPSP的基准实例可以看到,将SVM与强化学习结合,算法结果的好坏在减少训练集数量之后不受影响,且可以在短时间的训练之后得到较为明显的改进,证明该方法有效、实用.
    • 崔衍; 薛源
    • 摘要: 基因表达数据隐藏着丰富的生物信息,双聚类算法是挖掘这些生物信息的有效手段.双聚类算法一直被认为是一个NP-hard问题,而蝙蝠算法在解决NP-hard问题上有很大的优势.本文在蝙蝠算法的基础上提出了一种基于改进蝙蝠算法的双聚类算法(Bi-clustering based on Improved Bat Algorithm,BIBA).通过在酵母细胞基因数据集上的实验表明BIBA算法能够得到MSR值更小、体积更大的双聚类.
    • 杨楠
    • 摘要: 多式联运是我国现代交通运输体系的重要组成部分,其中运输方式和运输路径的选择直接影响到托运人和承运人的利益.根据多式联运相关的概念与网络构建方法,考虑了运输费用、时间价值成本,引入时间窗约束,以总成本最小为主要目标建立多式联运路径优化模型,并根据时间窗要求建立了惩罚机制.根据模型特点,设计了基于floyd的K短路-GA混合算法,求解得到总成本最少的联运方案.最后将该混合算法和传统遗传算法同时应用于多式联运算例求解,分析对比,验证了混合算法的有效性.
    • Feng Jingchun; Li Xueming; Feng Hui; Li Ming; Zhang Ke; Xue Song
    • 摘要: 资源总量受限条件下,当同一资源向多个项目供应时,项目群工期压缩原理与方法有别于单项目的工期压缩,不仅面临着有限资源合理分配问题,还需要考虑项目群中各合同项目之间的逻辑关系,为此,需要研究资源有限情况下项目群工期优化问题.借鉴单个项目工期优化方法,考虑项目群内部合同项目之间的逻辑关系,利用资源在项目群内部合同项目之间的转移,构建资源约束条件下项目群工期优化模型,确定可以进行资源输出和输入的合同项目,最终达到项目群工期优化的目的.以期为解决项目群工期优化问题提供新的思路和决策依据.
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