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光抽运的相关文献在1979年到2022年内共计157篇,主要集中在无线电电子学、电信技术、物理学、电工技术 等领域,其中期刊论文91篇、会议论文16篇、专利文献271698篇;相关期刊50种,包括实验技术与管理、中山大学学报(自然科学版)、时间频率学报等; 相关会议12种,包括2006电子陶瓷、陶瓷-金属封接与真空开关管用管壳的技术进步研讨会、第十七届全国激光学术会议、2005年全国时间频率学术交流会等;光抽运的相关文献由322位作者贡献,包括杨东海、陈景标、王凤芝等。



论文:91 占比:0.03%


论文:16 占比:0.01%


论文:271698 占比:99.96%





  • 杨东海
  • 陈景标
  • 王凤芝
  • 房建成
  • 池浩湉
  • 王义遒
  • 王青
  • 陈徐宗
  • 齐向晖
  • J·卢夫特
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 李慧(采访/编辑/翻译); 靳松(翻译)
    • 摘要: Wolfgang Kreuzpaintner(罗杰羽)教授从德国来到中国散裂中子源,与团队一起利用高功率激光进行“光抽运”,研发中子极化装置。沿着松山湖科学城中子源路前行,香港城市大学(东莞)、松山湖材料实验室、中国散裂中子源、南方光源研究测试平台等大装置、创新平台、大学院所集聚的创新矩阵规模初显。被称为“国之重器”的中国散裂中子源(CSNS)更是许多科研人员眼中的“明星”,吸引着大批国内外人才在此聚集。来自德国的科学家Wolfgang Kreuzpaintner教授便是其中一员。
    • 贺轩; 袁志超; 方声伟; 王青; 齐向晖; 陈徐宗
    • 摘要: 对于小型化光抽运铯束原子钟来说,最重要的指标之一是它的频率稳定度,尤其是长期频率稳定度。小型化光抽运铯束原子钟当中的各项频移机制会导致其运行过程中频率的移动,它们是恶化原子钟长期频率稳定度的源头。本文从理论上分析了小型化光抽运铯束原子钟当中的Rabi牵引,对其频移贡献的大小和对各项参数的敏感度进行计算,并提出了调整合适的C场大小,控制合适的系统参数可以减小该频移对小型化光抽运铯束原子钟频率稳定度的影响。结果表明,Rabi牵引在小型化光抽运铯束原子钟的研究当中非常重要,文中提到的方法对原子钟的频率稳定度有改善作用。
    • 陈徐宗; 贺轩; 袁志超; 谢伟滨; 陈楠; 熊择正; 方声伟; 王青; 齐向晖
    • 摘要: 北京大学光抽运铯束原子钟小组致力于发展连续式光抽运铯束原子钟的关键技术,为长时间守时、导航定位等军事和科研领域的应用提供关键设备。本文总结了国内外守时型小铯钟的研究现状,分析和比较了不同小组的磁选态、光抽运等小铯钟的方案、特点和结果。其中,北京大学光抽运铯束原子钟小组所研制的小铯钟通过长达90 d的长期测试,在保持了3×10^(-12)/τ^(1/2)短期稳定度的情况下,进一步得到了7×10^(-15)的5 d稳定度,准确度优于3×10(-13)。另外,本文还介绍基于二维磁光阱的冷原子铯束光抽运原子钟的研究结果,我们得到了线宽为40 Hz的Ramsey信号,这为下一步获得连续冷原子束原子钟奠定了基础。
    • 王暖让; 陈星; 赵环; 葛军
    • 摘要: 汞离子微波频标由于其体积小、指标高的优势,未来将在卫星导航、深空探测和守时中得到广泛应用.汞离子微波频标的优势在于利用汞灯进行抽运,可实现小型化.而汞灯的指标会限制汞离子微波频标的物理极限,因此汞灯的设计尤其重要,通过大量的实验完成了汞灯的设计.测试指标如下,功率稳定度大约2.5%,测试时间为3天;194nm与253nm谱线能量比约1/45,通过滤光泡可改善为1/3.
    • 曹远洪
    • 摘要: 对比分析了大小铯原子钟及其在PNT中的应用,在此基础上介绍了基于光抽运技术方案实现的国际上第一台商用小铯钟.在研制原理样机和工程样机的过程中,解决了激光稳频、铯束准直等关键技术和工作温度、振动、EMC等环境难题,技术状态满足小批量生产要求,频率稳定度可达10-15,频率准确度优于10-12,技术指标达到国际同类小铯钟5071A水平.分析了光抽运小铯钟作为守时原子钟如何应用于时间频率基准实验室、数字通信同步网、卫星导航地面站、长波导航路基站等PNT体系.
    • 谢伟滨; 王青; 齐向晖; 贺轩; 陈徐宗
    • 摘要: 在前期二维磁光阱原子冷却实验的基础上,提出了一种利用二维磁光阱产生低速铯束替代传统铯原子钟原子束的方案.新方案可以有效降低铯束中原子的运动速度,压窄Ramsey线宽,从而实现慢速连续原子束原子钟.理论分析表明,该慢速冷原子光抽运铯原子钟的Ramsey线宽为同体积传统热束小铯钟的十分之一,这将有效提高光抽运铯原子钟的短期稳定度,这种原子钟是未来守时原子钟的一种新的发展方向.
    • 汪之国; 罗晖; 樊振方; 谢元平
    • 摘要: 针对交变弱磁场的检测,研制了一种基于极化-检测双光束结构的激光抽运铷原子磁力仪.为了获得该磁力仪对磁场的响应特性,通过数值仿真分析了信号幅度随极化磁场强度、弛豫时间的变化关系,并进行了实验验证.最后通过选择合适的极化磁场使磁力仪对待测磁场的灵敏度最大.实验结果表明,优化后磁力仪灵敏度为0.2 pT/√Hz,响应带宽3.5 kHz,可用于弱磁场磁共振、高频异常物理现象等信号的检测.%In order to measure a weak alternating magnetic field, an optically-pumped Rb magnetometer based on pump-probe structure is investigated and demonstrated. The pumping light and probing light propagate along the z axis and x axis, respectively. A constant polarization magnetic field along the pumping light is applied, which not only stabilizes the polarization of Rb atoms but also tunes resonance frequency of Rb atoms. When a weak alternating magnetic field is applied perpendicularly to the constant magnetic field, the magnetic moment will tip off the z axis and rotate around the z axis. And then the polarization plane of probing light is modulated correspondingly. The x component of the magnetic moment can be obtained with a balanced detector. As a result, a signal proportional to weak alternating magnetic field can be obtained. In order to obtain the magnetic response of the magnetometer, we analyze the signal amplitude as a function of polarization magnetic field strength B0 and transverse relaxation time τ2 with numerical simulation. The amplitude-frequency response of the magnetometer is determined mainly by two parameters, namely cutoff frequency ωc = 1/τ2 and resonance frequency ω0 =γB0, where γ is the gyromagnetic ratio of Rb atom. At low frequency, that is ωa ≪ω0 and ωaω0 ≪ω2c , the magnetometer has a flat response, here ωa is the frequency of the weak alternating magnetic field. If ω0 ≪ ωc, the signal amplitude will be large for large ω0 or small ωc. For a given ωc, the peak response appears atω0=ωc. In the vicinity of resonance frequency, ifωc≪ω0, a peak will appear and ifωc≫ω0, no peak occurs. At high frequency, the amplitude will decrease with the increase ofωa. We verify the above analyses in experiment. A vapor cell with a short transverse relaxation time is used to obtain large frequency response bandwidth. Through optimizing the powers and frequencies of pumping laser and probing laser, high polarization and detection sensitivity of atomic spin can be obtained. Moreover, through choosing an appropriate polarization magnetic field, the magnetometer can be maximally sensitive to the magnetic field to be measured. The experimental results show that the magnetometer has a sensitivity of about 0.2 pT/√Hz and bandwidth of about 3.5 kHz. It can be used to detect low field magnetic resonance and high frequency abnormal physical phenomena.
    • 吴奕初; 胡占成; 刘海林; 李美亚
    • 摘要: Based on the principle of optical magnetic resonance ,several methods of measuring the horizontal and the vertical components of the geomagnetic field were compared and analyzed .Further‐more ,a modified method ,w hich could be used to measure both the horizontal and the vertical compo‐nents of the geomagnetic field more directly and more accurately ,was introduced by considering the influence of the vertical component on the magnetic resonance .In the case of no offsetting on the ver‐tical component and changing only the direction of the current ,the linear relationship between the difference of two resonant frequency square and the current was obtained ,and the slope of the fitting line was given ,thus the value of the magnetic field component was calculated .This method could a‐void the error caused by offsetting the vertical component of the geomagnetic field .%在对光磁共振实验原理深入了解的基础上,对光磁共振测量地磁场的诸多方法进行了比较研究,分析了外加水平及竖直方向磁场对共振条件的影响,提出了利用光磁共振实验直接测量地磁场的改进方法。在不抵消地磁场竖直分量的情况下,只改变电流方向而不改变其大小得出前后2次共振频率的平方差与电流的线性关系,进而拟合直线得出斜率,计算出地磁场分量的大小,从而避免了抵消法测地磁场竖直分量带来的误差。
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