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Fire的相关文献在1987年到2023年内共计371篇,主要集中在自动化技术、计算机技术、肿瘤学、无线电电子学、电信技术 等领域,其中期刊论文367篇、专利文献4篇;相关期刊215种,包括内燃机与配件、微型计算机、微电脑世界等; Fire的相关文献由497位作者贡献,包括刘琦、冯立艳、刘迎娟等。



论文:367 占比:98.92%


论文:4 占比:1.08%





  • 刘琦
  • 冯立艳
  • 刘迎娟
  • 李艾军
  • 欧阳光耀
  • 王峰松
  • 王洪
  • 秦建文
  • 蒋玲
  • 许涛
  • 期刊论文
  • 专利文献





    • Xiaowu Cheng; Xinyan Tao; Lu Wang
    • 摘要: This paper presents experimental and numerical investigations on progressive collapse behavior of a two-story glulam frame when the side column is exposed to ISO834 standard fire.The collapse mechanism initiated by fire is identified.The experimental results show that the progressive collapse of a glulam frame could be described for three stages,namely bending effect stage,catenary effect stage and failure stage,respectively.These stages are discussed in detail to understand the structural behavior before and during collapse.It is demonstrated that the entire frame slopes towards the side of the heated column,and the“overturning”collapse occurs eventually.The catenary effect of beams is the main reason for the progressive collapse of the frame.In addition,a finite element model of a glulam frame is established to simulate the progressive collapse behavior.The effects of axial loads on the columns are summarized.The numerical simulation results agree well with the experimental results,which could verify the effectiveness and practicability of finite element simulation.Furthermore,the progressive collapse resistance of the frame in practical design were proposed.
    • 古北
    • 摘要: “FIRE生活”小组在豆瓣的热俏引发了广泛关注,作为Financial Independence,RetiringEarly(财务独立,提前退休)的缩略,其趣湊的表面词义,被年轻人既不按常规又不失理智的倔强坚持激活,实地“火”了起来。与“躺平”一般,“FIRE”的精神前缘同样出自年轻人谢却“内卷”对生活进一步的侵犯---在击落那些于心灵上空盘桓了太久的追求成功的社会法则上,“FIRE”表现得和“躺平”一样果敢和超越,也就是说,在“背叛”既定的人生轨道上,两者几近精神同类。
    • Xinglei Cui; Adrian M.Paterson; George LW.Perry; Sarah V.Wyse; Md Azharul Alam; Congde Huang; Shixing Zhou; Lin Xiao; Changhong Lai; Fang He; Dongyu Cao; Kate Marshall; Timothy J.Curran
    • 摘要: Background:Flammability is a compound plant trait that can vary significantly across natural populations within species.Investigating intraspecific variation in flammability provides insights into the evolution of plant flam-mability and inform understanding of wildfire risk and behaviour in different habitats.Methods:We measured four flammability variables,representing ignitibility(time to ignition),sustainability(total burning time),combustibility(maximum temperature during burning)and consumability(percentage of biomass consumed by fire)to assess the shoot-level flammability of Dracophyllum rosmarinifolium(G.Forst.)(Ericaceae),a polymorphic endemic species distributed throughout New Zealand.We examined the relationship between flammability components and a suite of climatic and geographic variables(elevation,latitude,mean annual temperature(MAT),mean annual rainfall(MAR)of the sample locations,etc.).Results:We measured shoot-level flammability components of 62 individuals across eight populations.Burning time,maximum temperature and burnt biomass were positively correlated with each other,while ignition score was independent of other flammability components.All flammability components varied significantly across the eight populations.The habitat conditions we considered were not related to any of the shoot-level flammability components of D.rosmarinifolium.Conclusions:Intraspecific variation in flammability in D.rosmarinifolium may be a byproduct of selection on other functional traits,such as leaf size,shoot lipid content,indicating that plant flammability is an incidental result,rather than selected for,at least in ecosystems without fire as a selective force.
    • 王亚雷; 康健健
    • 摘要: 进气系统的设计优化能够有效改进柴油机整体的工作性能。研究小组基于计算流体动力学分析软件FIRE,对涡流室式增压柴油机展开分析,借助数值模拟探究其进气—压缩全过程变化,获得气体的速度、压力及动能等基本参数,并以此为基础对原柴油机进行优化,调整其连接通道及配气相位。仿真结果表明:1)经优化处理后的柴油机缸内充量会略微发生增长,表明优化处理后的配气相位角有助于为气缸提供更为充足的进气量;2)根据平均压力及平均温度曲线的比对分析,改进配气相位角对于缸内温度计压力的影响较为微弱,可视为基本相同;3)根据缸内平均湍动能的比对分析,进气环节中经优化处理后的缸内湍动能将发生比较显著的变化,使得缸内气流更加不稳定。仿真结论:借助计算流体动力学分析软件能够有效地模拟柴油机缸内气体的流动,有助于优化设计。
    • 摘要: 2022年王者荣耀女子公开赛参赛报名正式开启5月初,2022年王者荣耀女子公开赛参赛报名正式开启,今年仍然是以城市分站赛加年度决赛的形式进行,其中四站分站赛分别是北京站、广州站、上海站和杭州站,值得注意的是北京站和广州站因为疫情影响,已调整为全程线上,而年度决赛将采取自由组队区加固定战队区的模式。各位还记得2021年王者荣耀女子公开赛吗?一经面世,就吸引到了众多召唤师的积极参与,并且涌现出许多来自全国各地、各行各业的优秀女选手。2021年,在经历了北京、武汉、上海、成都四站分站赛以及年度决赛后,最终RE-Girls在12月11日击败了强劲的对手FIRE,捧起了2021年王者荣耀女子公开赛年度总冠军的奖杯,RE.永远也斩获了王者荣耀女子公开赛的首个FMVP。而在今年1月16日的王者荣耀年度颁奖盛典上,甜甜珂、RE.永远、AG.晚梦、FIRE.女骑、谢欣、姚懿玲六名代表选手,还从世界冠军傅园慧手上接过了2021年度王者荣耀“赢下喝彩”奖项的奖杯!而冠军中单—甜甜柯也已经加入LGD青训队,在那里开启了她全新的旅途与挑战。
    • Bruno Carvalho Lima de Alencar Matos; Fernando Luis da Silva Ferreira; João Paulo Correia Rodrigues; Rodrigo Barreto Caldas
    • 摘要: Fire is an exceptional action that may occur during the life of a building.So,it must be considered when designing a building structure.The standards provide several types of design methods for that propose,used for single elements,parts of structure or the structure as a whole.The fire design of columns is important both for new project as for remodel buildings and also for verification of the residual resistance of columns that have suffered a fire accident.In this way,the aim of this work is to analyze numerically different ways of fire exposure to check the compressive strength of the columns when subjected to fire and the influence of the adjacent walls to a column in case of fire.The thermal advanced analysis of the sections columns was performed using the finite element software,Abaqus CAE,where the standard fire curve,ISO 834(International Organization for Standardization 834),was used,with 4 h of fire duration.It was possible,with the two methods used in this work,to compare them to verify which model is more conservative and which is closer to the advanced numerical model,for calculating temperatures in the column section.It was checked that the walls act as thermal insulators,protecting part of the columns from the convection and radiation of the fire.Consequently,the effects of raising the temperature over the compressive resistance of the reinforced concrete column,were reduced.
    • 孙振宇; 刘加超; 胡晓艳; 路庆振; 于淼淼
    • 摘要: 利用三维仿真软件Fire建立柴油机燃烧、喷雾及机油稀释模型,分析远后喷、近后喷和喷油压力对机油稀释的影响。仿真结果表明:将1次远后喷拆分为2次,有利于降低喷雾贯穿距,减小机油稀释率;近后喷有利于提升缸内温度,加快燃油蒸发,降低机油稀释率;2次近后喷优于1次近后喷,近后喷时刻不宜超过上止点后曲轴转角60°;适当提升远后喷压力,有利于燃油雾化,降低机油稀释率。该研究可以为发动机台架标定提供参考。
    • PAN Youliang; CHANG Xiangqi; LI Qiang; LI Hongzheng; CHEN Yuansheng; LIU Xingping
    • 摘要: [Objective]Both fire and insect outbreaks are considered as important natural disturbance factors in many forest ecosystems,yet few studies have addressed the effects of fires on subsequent insect outbreaks.[Method]In this paper,tree mortality,larval density and vertical distribution were measured through field investigation and sampling method to evaluate the short-term response of Japanese pine sawyer beetle,Monochamus alternatus Hope to Masson pine,Pinus massoniana Lamb.in the second year after the fire in Jiangxi Province,China.[Results]compared with unburned Masson pine forest,burned Masson pine forest suffered from higher tree mortality and more pine trees were attacked by M.alternatus.Burned Masson pine tended to harbor much higher larval density further up along the trunk than unburned pine trees,and most individuals distributed in the middle section and middle-lower section of the trunk.[Significance]The results confirmed that Masson pine forest after being damaged by non-lethal fires were more susceptible to attacks by Japanese pine sawyer beetles,displaying higher population density and higher vertical distribution position.The study will provide an important guideline for the managers of Masson pine forests suffering from fires and pest invaded areas.
    • 牟珊
    • 摘要: 在我们的日常生活中,隐喻无处不在,它使我们的思维从一个认知域跨越到了另一个认知域,为我们认识理解事物提供了一个新的路径。新闻业作为信息传播行业,常常通过隐喻手段对事件或事物进行生动形象的描述。本文将以德国杂志 Die Zeit 和英美报刊中与“细菌”相关的新闻文本话语为研究对象,分析带有隐喻“Welle”和“fire”的报道,论证这两个隐喻的合理性,并通过对比进一步证明“fire”这个隐喻具有更高的贴切度。
    • 阿夏
    • 摘要: 我们的生活总是充满问题,我们的生活也总是充满希望。FIRE两年之后一个朋友两年前辞职了。之前他一直在世界500强外企工作,十多年的职场生涯,因为工作强度大,压力也大,健康状况亮起红灯,加上他与一群老外和ABC之间矛盾很大,便选择辞职,开启FIRE生活。
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