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产量模型的相关文献在1990年到2021年内共计75篇,主要集中在农作物、水产、渔业、林业 等领域,其中期刊论文66篇、会议论文6篇、专利文献153377篇;相关期刊59种,包括中国乡镇企业会计、浙江海洋学院学报(自然科学版)、江苏大学学报(自然科学版)等; 相关会议6种,包括第七届全国渗流力学学术讨论会、2000年中国水产学术年会、2015年全国天然气学术年会 等;产量模型的相关文献由238位作者贡献,包括刘群、廖玉芳、彭嘉栋等。



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  • 刘群
  • 廖玉芳
  • 彭嘉栋
  • 蒋元华
  • 黄超
  • 何元强
  • 刘学强
  • 刘新宇
  • 刘秋生
  • 姚洪兴
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 何云
    • 摘要: 江汉油田油藏类型各异,地质特点相差较大,影响开发效果的因素也较多,直接采用递减模型对全区产量进行预测,准确性较差.从地层流体的渗流机理出发,结合流体渗流方程与不同类型油藏的油水相对渗透率曲线和物质平衡原理进行公式推导,明确了江汉油田不同类型油藏的递减类型:江汉油区以中高渗透油藏为主,产量递减模型为双曲递减,且当中高渗透油藏长期处于高含水阶段时,产量递减模型为指数递减;八面河油区以普通稠油油藏为主,产量递减模型为调和递减;坪北油区以低渗透油藏为主,产量递减模型为双曲递减,且递减指数呈偏调和的特征.
    • 范婷婷; 范生晔; 陈美娟; 孙乐
    • 摘要: 利用镇赉县1998—2018年玉米产量资料和同期国家气象观测站的气象资料,通过直线滑动平均模拟法,分离出玉米趋势产量和气象产量,采用积分回归方法,研究玉米生长期关键月份的光、温、水等气象因子对玉米产量的动态影响,建立玉米气象产量综合模拟模型.结果表明,气温、降水、日照均能影响镇赉县玉米产量;6月中旬、8月上旬、8月下旬的降水量和6月上旬、8月下旬的温度这几个因子对玉米产量影响较大;建立的镇赉县玉米气象产量综合模型为Y=1881.275+13.194X1+18.655X2-138.348X3-9.283X4+16.506X5(X1为8月上旬降水量,X2为8月下旬降水量,X3为8月下旬温度,X4为6月上旬温度,X5为6月中旬降水量),将2019年气象数据代入进行检验,拟合率为84.5%.
    • 刘洪英; 鲜铁军; 李睿; 刘科
    • 摘要: 利用四川省南充市1989—2018年气象观测资料和水稻单产数据,分析5月上旬至8月下旬的平均气温、降水量、日照时数与水稻单产的相关性,采用线性回归方法建立基于气象因子的水稻产量预报模型.结果 表明,5月下旬降水量、6月中旬平均气温、7月下旬日照时数、8月下旬日照时数和降水量与气象产量显著相关,建立南充水稻产量预报模型,回代检验准确度平均达95.4%,预报准确度达91.2%,2019年模型预报效果良好.
    • 郭嘉玮; 陈鹏; 李宁; 鲁松; 邹品国; 陈悦
    • 摘要: 针对低渗储层中存在应力敏感效应和压裂缝中存在高速非达西效应,利用Pedrosa变换、扰动变换、Laplace变换与边界元理论等计算方法,建立了任意形状气藏压裂水平井产量计算模型,分析了高速非达西效应、应力敏感效应、裂缝导流能力和裂缝与水平井夹角对产量变化特征的影响.结果 表明:应力敏感效应和高速非达西效应对气井产量影响明显,在实际产量计算中忽略这两个因素的影响会高估气井产量;在低渗透储层中,受储层物性控制,裂缝导流能力存在一个最优值;受裂缝间相互干扰影响,裂缝与水平井夹角应大于70°.研究成果有助于提高低渗透气藏的开发效率.
    • 蒋元华; 廖玉芳; 黄超; 彭嘉栋
    • 摘要: 为给每年油料加工规模的规划提供分析依据,基于1 222项气象指标数据,利用湖南省77县(区)1969-1979年油茶历史产量和24个测产点2006年以来的测产序列,选用逐步回归方法,建立了油茶不同物候期气象条件与油茶产量的关系模型,及以各物候期拟合产量数据为因子构建的油茶产量模型,比较分析了各产量模型的平均相对误差和对增、减产的拟合能力.结果表明:以开花期和果实成熟期气象条件建立的产量模型其拟合效果最好,但仍比不上以11个物候期拟合产量作为因子建立的油茶产量模型的效果好;拟合效果与地理条件密切相关,低海拔地区的湘北以及湘中偏南地区的平均相对误差均较小,而海拔较高的湘西北、湘西南和湘南南部山区的平均相对误差均较大.同时,分析建立的101个油茶产量模型的因子结构发现:开花期、果实成熟期、油脂转化和积累高峰期为模型入选频次最高的3个物候期,其中开花期入选频次最高的气象因子为气温类因子;果实成熟期入选频次高的因子有平均最低气温、连续有日照天数、15°C以上的积温;油脂转化和积累高峰期入选频次最多的为气温尤其是高温日数.文中因此认为,基于开花期气象条件建立的油茶产量模型可用于油茶产量预估,入选产量模型频次高的因子可为油茶产量气候潜力的挖掘提供参考依据.%Based on the data of 1 222 meteorological indexes,the historical yield of camellia from 1969 to 1979 in 77 counties (districts) and the production sequence of 24 stations from 2006 in Hunan province.The stepwise regression method was used to establish the relationship between meteorological conditions and the yield of camellia,and yield model of camellia oleifera were determined by the yield data of each phenophase.The average relative error and the fitting ability of increasing and decreasing yield of each yield model were compared,the yield model established in the flowering period and the fruit ripening stage were better.But the effect is not as good as the yield of the camellia yield model established by 11 phenophase fitting yields as factors.It is also found that the fitting effect is closely related to the geographical conditions.The average relative error between the low-altitude areas in the northern part of Hunan and thesouth-central region of Hunan is relatively small,and the relative relative error is relatively high in the northwest of Hunan,southwest Hunan and southern Hunan.At the same time,the analysis of factors in the 101 camellia yield model,found that flowering period,the fruit ripening period,the oil conversion and accumulation peak are the highest frequency phenotypes.The temperature is the highest frequency factor in the fruit ripening period.The average minimum temperature,continuous sunshine days and more than 15 °C accumulated temperature are the higher frequency in fruit ripening.The temperature is the highest frequency factor in the grease conversion and accumulation of peak,especially the high temperature days is particularly prominent.It can be seen that the camellia yield model based on the meteorological conditions of flowering can be used to forecast the yield of camellia and provide the basis for the planning of the annual oil processing scale.The high frequency factor of the selected yield model can provide the basis for the climatic potential mining of the camellia yield.
    • 蒋元华; 廖玉芳; 彭嘉栋; 黄超
    • 摘要: 为了深入分析油茶花期气候条件对油茶产量的影响,基于1954—2010年江西省宜春市袁州区油茶花期47类气象指标和油茶单产数据,利用线性趋势分析、相关分析和逐步回归等方法,构建了基于油茶花期气候条件的产量模型,筛选出关键气象因子,并对其变化趋势进行了分析.结果表明:基于油茶花期构建的产量模型能很好地模拟出油茶实际产量的变化趋势,模型平均相对误差为19%,增减产准确率为75%,利用花期产量模型能很好地预测来年油茶产量,可为油茶防灾减灾提供决策依据.通过相关分析筛选出油茶花期关键气象因子:降水日数、相对湿度、最长连续日照天数、日最低气温低于-4 °C日数,其中油茶产量与花期降水日数呈显著负相关,与花期相对湿度呈负相关,与花期最长连续日照天数呈显著正相关,与花期日最低气温低于-4 °C的低温日数呈负相关.花期降水日数偏少,最长连续日照天数偏多,日最低气温低于-4 °C的天数偏少有利于丰产.花期关键气象因子的年代际变化特征不同:花期降水日数呈显著下降的趋势,倾向率为 3.1 d/10 a;相对湿度呈减小趋势,倾向率为 0.6%/10 a;最长连续日照天数变化趋势不明显,倾向率为0.3 d/10 a;花期冰冻日数呈显著减少的趋势,倾向率为0.3 d/10 a.
    • 李勇; 龚俊; 陈亮; 刘均荣; 李博宇; 罗明良
    • 摘要: 针对海上油井地理位置分散、单井测试成本高等问题,为了及时掌握油井产量变化趋势、提高海上油井生产管理水平、实现海上油田智能化生产管理,开展了海上油田毛细管测压电泵井产量在线计量方法研究.从井下电泵输入功率与井下电机输出功率相等这一能量守恒原理出发,同时考虑电机参数变化的影响,结合井筒多相流计算方法与实测流量校正方法,建立了毛细管测压电泵井产量在线计算数学模型,并研究了其求解方法.现场应用表明,结合定期的实测流量校正,本方法的计算结果与实测结果吻合较好,最大相对误差小于5%.本文所建立的方法能实现电泵井产量在线计量、实时反映油井生产趋势.采用该技术能显著降低海上油田生产成本,对于提高海上电泵井生产管理水平具有重要意义.
    • 王慧新; 孙继军; 韩晓日; 吴占鹏; 王海新; 高飞; 蔡立夫; 罗祥志
    • 摘要: 为研究风沙地有机/无机肥配施对花生产量与经济效益的影响,采用"3414"试验方案设计,以阜花17号为试材,选用有机肥(牛粪)、磷酸二铵和硫酸钾3种肥料因子,通过肥效与产量的分析,构建有机/无机肥配施与花生产量效益优化模型.结果表明:有机肥与无机肥对花生均具有显著增产作用,单因子对产量作用大小顺序为:X 2(磷酸二铵)>X 1(有机肥)>X 3(硫酸钾).在3种肥料合理配施条件下,三单因子累计产量贡献值Y=62.5kg·667m-2;双因子与另一单因子累计产量贡献值范围为Y=61.2~88.8 kg·667m-2;而三因子综合作用对产量贡献值最高为Y=94.8kg·667m-2,此时产量最高值为275.4kg·667m-2.说明三种因子具有交互促进作用,获得花生高产需三种肥料合理配施,单施其中一种肥料,不能充分发挥花生的增产潜力.在本试验条件范围内,风沙地花生效益优化组合为:X1(有机肥)施用量1661.7kg·667m-2,X2(磷酸二铵)施用量20.6 kg·667m-2,X3(硫酸钾)15.8 kg·667m-2,产量为267.7kg·667m-2,实现节本增效42.2元·667m-2,最大效益为1283.5kg·667m-2.本研究结果对花生有机肥与无机肥的定量配施具有指导意义,同时也为风沙地花生产量效益最大化提供科学依据.%In order to investigate the influence on the economic efficiency and yield of peanut by organic and inorganic fertilizers matching in aeolian sandy soil with "3414" test design, three fertilizer factors of organic fertilizer (cow dung), diammonium phosphate and potassium sulfate were considered to take out the optimization model of organic/inorganic fertilizer and peanut yield. the results showed that three single index cumulative yield contribution value Y=62.5 kg·667m-2, double indices and other single index cumulative yield contribution value between Y=61.2-88.8 kg·667m -2, as well the highest contribution value was up to three indices combined effect Y=94.8 kg·667m-2, the highest yield was 275.4 kg·667m-2. It showed that the three indices had an interactive effect and the three kinds of fertilizers needed to be rationally applied to obtain the peanut high yield. The yield potential of peanuts could not be fully played with single fertilizer applying. Within the scope of this test, the optimized combination of peanut benefits from windy land was: 1661.7 kg·667m-2 for X1 (organic fertilizer), 20.6 kg·667m-2 for X2 (diammonium phosphate), 15.8 kg·667m-2 for X3 (potassium sulfate), the yield was 267.7 kg·667m-2, achieving a saving of 42.2 yuan·667m-2 and a maximum benefit of 1283.5 kg·667m-2. The results will guide significance for the quantitative allocation of peanut organic fertilizer and inorganic fertilizer, and will provides a scientific basis for maximizing yield of peanut in the Aeolian sandy soil.
    • 张魁; 廖宝超; 许友伟; 张俊; 孙铭帅; 邱永松; 陈作志
    • 摘要: The scientific quantification of allowable catch is a precondition to implementing a fishing quota system. However,the allowable catches for fisheries in the South China Sea (SCS)are difficult to evaluate because of the inclusion of a wide range of fish species,the lack of crucial economic fish species,and incomplete catch statistics. This paper used a simplified production model to estimate allowable catches for eleven fish groups and the total al-lowable catch (TAC)in the SCS.Maximum sustainable yield (MSY)and TAC in the SCS were calculated to be 308.6 × 104 t and 246.9×104 -277.8×104 t,respectively.MSY estimates for the eleven fish groups showed that they all have been overfished since the 1990s.The stocks of five fish groups (grouper,conger pike,pomfrets, threadfin breams,and hairtails)with low resilience were still being overfished in 2014,with grouper and conger pike being the most extreme examples.The stocks of the remaining six fish groups (Decapterus maruadsi and Trachurus japonicas ,sardines,filefish,porgies,Chinese herring,and mackerel)had high resilience and were in good condition in 2014.%科学确定海洋渔业可捕量是开展捕捞限额管理的前提和关键.南海区渔业资源种类繁多,无明显大宗经济鱼种,且产量统计不够完善,使得可捕量的量化评估较为困难.根据渔业产量统计数据,利用一种简化的产量模型对南海区渔业资源总可捕量以及11个重要经济类群的可捕量进行了评估.结果表明,南海区渔业资源最大可持续产量为308.6万t,总可捕量为246.9万~277.8万t.从11个重要经济类群的评估结果来看,这些类群在20世纪90年代后均遭受过不同程度的过度捕捞.目前状态较好,未处于过度捕捞状态的有蓝圆鲹和竹荚鱼、沙丁鱼类、马面鲀类、鲷类、鳓类和鲐类等6个恢复力较高的类群;而其他5个恢复力较低的类群,尤其是海鳗类和石斑鱼类,目前处于过度捕捞状态.
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