您现在的位置: 首页> 研究主题> 细石器


细石器的相关文献在1980年到2022年内共计145篇,主要集中在社会科学丛书、文集、连续性出版物、文物考古、中国史 等领域,其中期刊论文142篇、会议论文3篇、专利文献447篇;相关期刊75种,包括理论观察、内蒙古社会科学、青海社会科学等; 相关会议2种,包括中国古生物学会古脊椎动物学分会第十届年会暨第四纪古人类一旧石器考古专业委员会首届年会、第九届中国古脊椎动物学术年会等;细石器的相关文献由242位作者贡献,包括崔昊、汤惠生、卫奇等。



论文:142 占比:23.99%


论文:3 占比:0.51%


论文:447 占比:75.51%





  • 崔昊
  • 汤惠生
  • 卫奇
  • 崔璇
  • 李永宪
  • 王小庆
  • 裴洪斌
  • 高星
  • 何嘉宁
  • 刘沛然
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 王成; 苏日古嘎; 胡春柏
    • 摘要: 乌兰图嘎遗址位于内蒙古赤峰市巴林右旗大板镇乌兰图嘎嘎查东北约1.3公里。遗址坐落于一座名为“额布日勒泰”的低矮山丘上,北倚敖伦敖包山,西南望凤凰山,总面积在10000平方米以上,地势西高东低、北高南低,东侧800米为查干木伦河支流古日古勒台河。为配合二广高速公路的建设,2021年内蒙古自治区文物考古研究院发掘了4000余平方米,累计揭露房址70余座、灰坑40余座、墓葬1座,出土各类遗物1800余件,其中细石器数量约占60%以上。
    • 于怀石(文/图/摄); 熊增珑; 樊圣英; 郭明; 陈利; 马红光(图/摄); 图旭刚(摄)
    • 摘要: 一、遗址概况凌源市下台子遗址位于辽宁省朝阳市凌源市万元店镇大杖子村北,大凌河西支北侧一条支流右岸山梁的坡地上,地理坐标为北纬41°21’00.70",东经119°28’58.83",海拔592米。西南距凌源市直线距离约14千米,东北距建平县直线距离约16千米,东南距牛河梁第二地点直线距离约4.1千米,东南距牛河梁第一地点建筑址直线距离约3.8千米。遗址主要分布在山梁东面的阳坡地,地势西高东低,较为开阔平缓。因多年雨水冲刷,遗址范围内分布有多条东西向的自然冲沟,遗址被冲沟分隔成多片区域。发掘区地表原为耕地,后改种杏树,发掘过程中可见原耕地垄沟痕迹。下台子遗址是2014年辽宁省文物考古研究院与中国人民大学在牛河梁遗址进行系统性区域考古调查时发现[1].
    • 李有骞
    • 摘要: 本文根据地层埋藏序列,将嫩江流域距今2.8~0.4万年间的细石器遗存分为旧石器时代晚期、过渡时期和新石器时代三个时期六个阶段.该地区细石器的发展经历了石叶小型化→船形细石核技术→楔形细石核技术→复杂压制小石叶技术→被石片技术取代的发展脉络.
    • 冯玥; 于建军; 何嘉宁
    • 摘要: 阿勒泰地区位于新疆维吾尔自治区最北部,是我国最西北的地区,东北与蒙古国接壤,西北与哈萨克斯坦、俄罗斯相连,现辖1市6县,总面积约11.7万平方千米。该地区自上世纪八九十年代以来一直有石器调查工作,1989年8月,新疆维吾尔自治区文物普查办公室阿勒泰队调查发现齐德哈仁细石器地点,①采集有半锥状石核、细石叶、石镞和石片等.
    • 崔昊; 刘沛然; 陈悦
    • 摘要: 黑龙江流域原始美术是我国乃至于整个东北亚原始美术的杰出代表,其自成体系且流传有序,遗物甚多且成就斐然,极具地方特色.本文运用美术考古学的研究方法,从原始美术的角度进行研究,着眼于黑龙江流域原始美术的分布状况,研究不但可以深度还原黑龙江流域原始美术本身,肯定其历史发展高度;更可以与其他周边原始文化的原始美术特征进行比较来解释本地区原始美术的特色.
    • 侯石柱(文/图)1
    • 摘要: 甲央(藏)、欧朝贵、童恩正、索朗旺堆(藏)、小旺堆(藏)等,他们先我们而去。谨以此篇怀念之。在西藏昌都,一个叫卡若的地方,一群考古人挖出了一个震惊中外的''卡若遗址''。他们是:仁青、欧朝贵、索朗旺堆、张文生、更堆、小旺堆、陈显双、张才俊、黄景略、刘平修、石兴邦、童思正、甲央、侯石柱、冷健、徐明、邓克平、李虹、冉光瑜、王东元、邱宣充;四川大学77级考古专业的12名学生;西藏文管会后勤保障人员和当地藏汉族民工.
    • 林杉; 敖红; 程鹏; 卫奇; 张鹏; 舒培仙; 李兴文
    • 摘要: Background,aim,and scope Nihewan Basin in North China preserves one of the most detailed sets of Paleolithic evidence from the whole of Asia,making it as an ideal site for paleontological,sedimentological,magnetostratigraphical and paleoclimatic studies. Yujiagou site is located on the northern bank of Sanggan River in the eastern Nihewan Basin,and contains both Paleolithic to Neolithic stone tools. A large number of microlith products,animal fossils and several pieces of early pottery were also unearthed in this site in 1977. This site provides important materials for the study of microlith culture during upper Paleolithic period. Previous ages of this site were obtained using Thermoluminescence/Optically Stimulated Luminescence dating with age uncertainties up to 10% (a thousand years). Relatively,we tried to use AMS-14C (Accelerator Mass Spectrometry) dating methods,the accuracy of which is within 0.2% (several decades),to establish a chronological framework for the study of the connection between environmental change and human activities during Late Quaternary. Combing the evolutionary sequence of Paleolithic culture in the Nihewan Basin and the archaeological significance of early pottery,this study enhances our understanding of early hominin colonization in the late Paleolithic period and the potential influence of microlith and pottery on the transition from Paleolithic to the Neolithic age. Materials and methods We picked out fourteen dating samples from the Yujiagou section,which has a total thickness of~550 cm. Dating samples were given an acid-alkali-acid pretreatment to obtain the insoluble fraction. Prior to making the accelerator measurement,all materials were combusted to CO2 and converted to graphite using a Fe-catalyst reaction. The radiocarbon analyses were determined with the Xi'an-AMS Center. Results Fourteen AMS-14C data were converted to the calendar year using IntCal13 program. The correction ages increase from 27.80 ka to 5.80 ka BP. The top of Neolithic cultural layer is located at 30 cm,which is dated 2.43 ka BP by linear extrapolation for the age of 140 cm,110 cm and 80 cm of Yujiagou site. The boundary between Neolithic cultural layer and Paleolithic cultural layer is at 130 cm. Interpolated linearly in the 140—110 cm range,the age of the transition is ~9.35 ka BP. In addition,by use of linear interpolation at 325—275 cm,the age of the Dark brown pottery at the depth of 300 cm is ~13600 years. Discussion On the basis of the studies and comparison of many Paleolithic remains covering from the early to the later periods,we are able to obtain a preliminary archaeological sequence of Paleolithic culture. The small stone tool tradition runs through the whole Paleolithic period from beginning to end and the Paleolithic culture obviously reveals the characteristics of inheritance and development in its evolution. During the late Paleolithic period,the microlithic tool tradition appeared and began to develop along with the small stone tool tradition. Even during the early Neolithic period,microlithic technology still existed. Microlith is likely to be directly involved in and led to changes in the human society. Otherwise,the age of pottery fragment at the depth of 300 cm was estimated to be ~13600 years. This age is older than the other three pottery from Nanzhuangtou site (12632—12238 years),Zhuannian site (11208—10405 years) and Donghulin (12105—11370 years) in North China,which means that Yujiagou pottery is the earliest pottery in North China. Recent research found the early pottery with the age of 20000—19000 years from Xianrendong Cave in South China. These results suggest that pottery making technology has been widely spread around ten thousand years ago in China. The invention of pottery marked fundamental shifts in human subsistence practices and sociosymbolic behaviors. Therefore the emergence of pottery also drives the human society to enter the New Stone Age,to a certain extent. Conclusions The chronological framework of the Yujiagou site spanned from 16.19 ka to 2.43 ka BP using thirteen AMS-14C calibrated ages and the conversion from the paleolithic to the Neolithic age happened ~9.35 ka BP. Yujiagou pottery was made ~13600 years ago and the earliest pottery in North China. Under the background of climate warming of the last stage of the Late Pleistocene the pottery and microlith largely facilitated social change from the Paleolithic into Neolithic age in North China. Recommendations and perspectives This work accurately provide the chronology of Yujiagou site by using high-precision dating method. It is recommended that much more work should be carried out to deepen the cognition of the transition from the paleolithic to the Neolithic age.%于家沟遗址作为泥河湾盆地中唯一具有新旧石器工业过渡的典型遗址,为研究东亚旧石器向新石器时代过渡提供了理想的场所.本文通过于家沟遗址剖面沉积物(厚约550 cm)的加速器质谱法(AMS-14C)年代测定,确定了于家沟剖面的年代跨度为16.19—2.43 ka BP,其中旧石器向新石器时代的转化时限为9.35 ka BP.该遗址中发现的最早陶器经同层位地层推测,其年代为13.60 ka BP,是目前中国北方发现的最早陶器.陶器的使用可能改善了古人类的生活条件;大量细石器反映出泥河湾盆地中采猎经济高度繁荣.因此,在晚更新世末期气候开始变暖的背景下陶器和细石器的出现一定程度推动了中国北方旧石器时代向新石器时代的转变.
    • 四川省文物考古研究院; 达州市博物馆; 宣汉县文物管理所
    • 摘要: 2015年12月至2016年6月, 四川省文物考古研究院等对位于四川宣汉县普光镇进化村的罗家坝遗址进行了第四次发掘, 首次发现连续堆积的新石器时代文化遗存, 清理灰坑69个, 出土大量陶、石器.此次发掘完善了嘉陵江流域新石器时代文化内涵, 对构建长江上游地区新石器时代晚期的考古学文化格局、探讨长江上游地区文明化进程与演进模式具有重要意义.
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