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SGML的相关文献在1985年到2016年内共计118篇,主要集中在自动化技术、计算机技术、信息与知识传播、科学、科学研究 等领域,其中期刊论文116篇、会议论文1篇、专利文献1篇;相关期刊90种,包括集团经济研究、电子出版、图书馆学刊等; 相关会议1种,包括第十四届全国计算机信息管理学术研讨会等;SGML的相关文献由178位作者贡献,包括李善平、盛小平、叶佩华等。



论文:116 占比:98.31%


论文:1 占比:0.85%


论文:1 占比:0.85%





  • 李善平
  • 盛小平
  • 叶佩华
  • 张樵
  • 方曙
  • 李丽萍
  • 李景春
  • 武港山
  • 王拥群
  • 申九林
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 艾兰•瑞尼尔; 戴维德•杜宾; 斯芬伯格•麦奎因; 克劳斯•惠特福德; 王晓光(译); 王俊芳(译)
    • 摘要: Although XML Document Type Definitions provide a mechanism for specifying, in machine-readable form, the syntax of an XML markup language, there is no comparable mechanism for specifying the semantics of an XML vocabulary. That is, there is no way to characterize the meaning of XML markup so that the facts and relationships represented by the occurrence of XML constructs can be explicitly, comprehensively, and mechanical y identified. This has serious practical and theoretical consequences. On the positive side, XML constructs can be assigned arbitrary semantics and used in application areas not foreseen by the original designers. On the less positive side, both content developers and application engineers must rely upon prose documentation, or, worse, conjectures about the intention of the markup language designer — a process that is time-consuming, error-prone, incomplete, and unverifiable, even when the language designer properly documents the language. In addition, the lack of a substantial body of research in markup semantics means that digital document processing is undertheorized as an engineering application area. Although there are some related projects underway (XML Schema, RDF, the Semantic Web) which provide relevant results, none of these projects directly and comprehensively address the core problems of XML markup semantics. This paper (i) summarizes the history of the concept of markup meaning, (i ) characterizes the specific problems that motivate the need for a formal semantics for XML and (i i) describes an ongoing research project :the BECHAMEL Markup Semantics Project —that is attempting to develop such a semantics.%尽管 XML 文档类型定义提供了一种机器可读形式的、能够说明 XML 语言语法的机制,但目前并没有类似的机制来指定 XML 词汇表的具体语义。这意味着没办法说明 XML 标记的意义,由 XML 形式呈现的事实和关系无法清晰、全面和规范地定义。这在实践和理论上都引起了严重的后果。从积极的方面看,XML 结构能被赋予任意语义,并可用于最初的设计者无法预见的领域。从不太积极的方面来看,内容开发者和软件工程师必须依靠乏味的文档,或者更糟的情况是,只能依靠猜测标记语言设计者的意图来开展工作。这一过程既费时费力,又易出错,还无法核实验证。即便是设计者当初的建档工作做得相当完美,不如意的情况还是会发生。另外,对标记语义本质研究的匮乏也意味着属于工程应用领域的数字文档处理根本没有什么理论。尽管目前正在进行的一些工程(XML 模式、RDF、语义网)已经取得了一些成绩,但是这些工程都没有直接全面地解决XML 标记语义的核心问题。本文回顾了标记意义这个概念的发展历史,阐明了解释 XML 正式语义的动机,并介绍了一个研究语义的科研项目——BECHAMEL 标记语义计划。
    • Anne T. Galante
    • 摘要: Agents are the new defacto standard for inclusion in modules of today’s software systems such as ERP systems, mobile applications and operating systems. Agents are an integral part of today’s software design. The question is how do intelligent agents work in the specific area of ERP credit card processing e-commerce models? To answer this question, a specific area of ERP systems will be analyzed: credit card processing for merchants. One specific merchant credit card processor will be specifically investigated: EVO Merchants. This paper will research how exactly does ERP systems interact using Application Programing Interface or “API” specified by a credit card clearing house. Secure Socket Layers or SSL, and XML are discussed and elaborated on specifically how intelligent agents play such a pivotal role in ERP e-commerce systems for credit card processing.
    • 侯春英
    • 摘要: XML作为存储数据的首选手段,已经逐步达到取代一些数据库的功能而且使用起来远比数据库方便得多,本文从实用角度出发介绍了XML文档的建立、编辑及检索方式的实现。
    • 杨春蓉
    • 摘要: XML技术具有良好的自主描述性、跨平台性和扩展性,且具有树状存储结构特点,图形用户界面可通过信息动态生成。基于XML技术的动态界面系统设计具有操作简单的优点,能够实现用户对动态界面的自定义,在一定程度上增加了系统的使用范围和使用功能。本文从XML标准简介入手,向读者阐述了XML语言的相关特点,设计和实现了基于XML技术的动态界面,为动态界面发展提供相应帮助。
    • 彭海仔
    • 摘要: 提出了基于SGML数据的船舶航线可视化方法,其基本原理是从SGML数据解析、船舶航线经纬度实时读取与航线要素可视化等三个方面入手,设计和实现了SGML的船舶航线可视化。
    • 徐锡涛; 席文雷; 陈晓雨; 尹文元
    • 摘要: 目前,中国国家知识产权局共收藏亚洲(不含中国)13个国家和地区的专利数据,这些数据包括著录项目数据、全文代码化数据和图形图像数据等30余种数据源.语言多使用英语和其本国官方语言,大洋洲主要收藏了澳大利亚数据.本文对亚洲和大洋洲各国专利数据的来源、存储形式,数据内容、数据格式、数据范围等进行了举例介绍.%At present, State Intellectual Property Office Of the People' s Republic of China (SIPO) has collected the patent data of 13 countries and regions in Asia (excluding China). These data includes over 30 kinds of data sources, such as bibliographic data, full text of the code data and graphic image data . The Languages is mainly English and their own official language. Oceania is mainly a collection of Australian data. This article makes presentation with examples for the national data sources, storage format, data content, data format and data range.
    • 王艳娟
    • 摘要: 随着人们的生活与计算机越来越近,网站数目越来越多,同时也出现各种不同的Web页面开发语言,其中比较有代表性的是超文本标记语言(HTML)和可扩展标记语言(XML),简单地介绍这两种标记语言的特性,以便我们在Web开发中更能很好的使用和区分这两种标记语言。
    • 车婧
    • 摘要: XML technology as a branch of emerging technologies in many areas received widespread support and has broad application prospects. As the data indicated an open standard, XML language to the Web application and network computing injected new vitality, and its faculty, the relationship with HTML, SGML and relational database is also worth exploring. This article through"the design of bus search system based on XML"to the production of specific examples of such a detailed exposition of XML in Web extensive specific applications.%  XML技术作为一门新兴技术,在许多领域都得到了广泛的支持并有着广阔的应用前景。作为数据表示的一个开放标准, XML语言给Web应用乃至网络计算注入了新的活力,其与HTML、SGML以及关系数据库之间的关系也是值得探讨的。本文通过“基于XML的公交查询系统设计”这样一个实例的制作来具体详细地阐述XML在Web上的广泛具体的应用。
    • 高立华
    • 摘要: 本文研究了WIPO ST.36标准的技术发展背景.跟踪了WIPO ST.36标准的未来发展技术——XML4IP。XML4IP将对WIPOST.36标准《使用XML(可扩展标号语言)处理专利文献的建议》的发展起着主导作用,其主要采用XML Schema网络技术,同时整合ST.66《使用XML(可扩展标号语言)处理商标文献的建议》以及ST.86《使用XML(可扩展标号语言)处理外观设计文献的建议》标准,对于专利电子数据标准建设有一定的借鉴意义。
    • 党杨阳
    • 摘要: XML( Extensible Markup Language)即可扩展标记语言,它与HTML一样,都是处于SGML,标准通用语言.XML是Internet环境中跨平台的、依赖于内容的技术,是当前处理结构化文档信息的有力工具,是一种简单的数据存储语言.目前XML已经成为表示Web上多样性数据的事实标准,可以预见,Web上的数据将主要以XML形式存在.
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