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rough set

rough set的相关文献在1998年到2022年内共计78篇,主要集中在自动化技术、计算机技术、统计学、农业经济 等领域,其中期刊论文75篇、会议论文3篇、相关期刊46种,包括信息系统工程、上海大学学报(英文版)、湘南学院学报等; 相关会议2种,包括第六届中国Rough集与软计算学术研讨会(CRSSC'2006)、1999年中国智能自动化学术会议等;rough set的相关文献由178位作者贡献,包括吴渝、徐章艳、杨炳儒等。

rough set—发文量


论文:75 占比:96.15%


论文:3 占比:3.85%


rough set—发文趋势图

rough set


  • 吴渝
  • 徐章艳
  • 杨炳儒
  • 林小红
  • 刘刚
  • 刘开第
  • 刘明吉
  • 孙志挥
  • 孟吉
  • 宋威
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文




    • DENG Haoyu; WU Shaohong; YIN Yunhe; GAO Jiangbo; ZHAO Dongsheng
    • 摘要: Eco-geographical regionalization involves dividing land into regions by considering both intra-regional consistency and interregional disparity and is based on the pattern of differentiation of eco-geographical elements.Owing to the complexity of the land surface,and the limitation of data and appropriate methods,regions in China have hitherto been mapped manually,meaning that the process of mapping was non-repeatable.To make the regionalization technique repeatable,this study aimed to extract and quantify the expert knowledge of regionalization using an automated method.The rough set method was adopted to extract rules of regionalization based on the existing eco-geographical regionalization map of China,as well as its corresponding meteorological and geological datasets.Then,the rules for regionalization were obtained hierarchically for each natural domain,each temperature zone,and each humidity region.Owing to differences in zonal differentiation,the rule extraction sequence for the eastern monsoon zone and Tibetan Alpine zone was temperature zone first followed by humidity region,with the reverse order being applied for the northwest arid/semi-arid zone.Results show that the extracted indicators were similar to those of the existing(expert-produced)regionalization scheme but more comprehensive.The primary indicator for defining temperature zones was the≥10°C growing season,and the secondary indicators were the January and July mean temperatures.The primary and secondary indicators for identifying humid regions were aridity index and precipitation,respectively.Eco-geographical regions were mapped over China using these rules and the gridded indicators.Both the temperature zones and humidity regions mapped by the rules show≥85%consistency with the existing regionalization,which is higher than values for mapping by the commonly used simplified method that uses the classification of one indicator.This study demonstrates that the proposed rough set method can establish eco-geographical regionalization that is quantitative and repeatable and able to dynamically updated.
    • 段晓晨; 陈雨欣; 施振东; 黄凯丽
    • 摘要: 研究目的:中国地铁正处于蓬勃发展时期,在可行性研究阶段快速准确地估算其投资十分关键。鉴于此,本文以北京地铁为例,通过构建地铁工程特征体系,基于Rough Set理论建立特征数据库,基于BP神经网络提出地铁投资智能估算模型,分别研究量化工程特征并将其写入数据库的方法和投资估算的途径。研究结论:(1)用PBS方法分解项目,得到对投资估算产生影响的工程特征19个;(2)利用Rough Set理论对量化调整后的工程特征进行属性约简,得到重要性大的工程特征;(3)将工程特征写入数据库可提升投资估算的速度;(4)利用BP神经网络构建的投资估算模型可提升投资估算的精确度;(5)本文研究可为地铁可行性研究阶段的投资估算提供依据和指导。
    • 曹亚非
    • 摘要: 随着计算机网络技术和互联网技术的飞速发展,计算机的使用逐渐普及,越来越多的人使用互联网,而保障网络的安全性变得尤为重要.目前,Rough Set理论已成为一个热门话题.基于此,笔者根据网络安全现状,探讨基于Rough Set的数据挖掘技术在网络安全中的应用.%With the rapid progress of computer network technology and Internet technology, the use of computers is popularized, and more and more people use the Internet, and it becomes particularly important to ensure the security of the network. At present, the theory of Rough Set has become a hot topic. Based on this, the author discusses the application of data mining technology based on Rough Set in network security according to the current situation of network security.
    • 冯有利; 罗清威
    • 摘要: In order to grasp the different influence degree of various factors on the risk assessment of ground collapse in mined out area and a link between some factors, Rough set was adopted to evaluate the risk of ground collapse in mined out area.The theory has strong ability of data mining and knowledge discovery, and the core idea is knowledge reduction.That is, the theory can delete the attributes of the weak and the poor in the collection attributes, and then build the objective and reliable evaluation model.Taking the goaf surface subsidence information of the No.8 Mine of Pingdingshan Tian'an Coal Mining Corp.Ltd as example, combining with the field survey data, the goaf surface subsidence is evaluated.Evaluation result is close to the fact, therefore, it is feasible to evaluate the risk of goaf surface subsidence by using the Rough set.%为掌握各因素对采空区地面塌陷危险性评价的不同影响以及部分因素之间存在的联系,采用Rough set 理论对采空区地面塌陷危险性进行评价.该理论具有强大的数据挖掘和知识发现能力,把属性集合中的相关性弱以及重要性差的属性删除,从而能构建相对客观可靠的评价模型.以平煤八矿采空区地面塌陷为例,根据野外调查资料,对其采空区地面塌陷进行危险性评价,结果与实际调查情况基本吻合,表明Rough set理论在评价采空区地面塌陷危险性方面是适用的.
    • Hui-Chung Ho; Woody Jann-Der Fann; Hsiu-Jye Chiang; Phung-Tuyen Nguyen; Duc-Hieu Pham; Phuoc-Hai Nguyen; Masatake Nagai
    • 摘要: Introduction to education is one of the basic courses in teacher education professional education, it covers a wide range of subjects. Thus, in order to practice the management teaching goals, the interdisciplinary developed mathematical tools are applied for the study. The participants of this study are students in course of introduction to education, and the research instruments applied are rough set, grey structural modeling (GSM), and matrix based-structural modeling (MSM). The purposes of this paper are: 1) To logically analyze educational datasets to practice the scientific traits in education;2) To benefit from directed hierarchical analysis to identify and propose action planning;3) To construct core-oriented educational structure as the criterion-reference for one-lesson-multiple-design and to provide the whole scope and visualized analysis with GSM and MSM.
    • 吴凌华1
    • 摘要: 健康是人们生活水平优良的重要指标,但是如何快速基于生理检测指标来评估其健康水平是智慧医学所关注的核心问题。由于各种生理检测指标之间具有冗余特性,因此对所分析的生理检测指标进行属性分析具有重要作用。Rough Set在知识挖掘方面具有很强的处理能力,本文依据Rough Set对Fuzzy数据的处理方法,提出一种Fuzzy Rough Set约简算法,该算法可以实现利用生理检测数据对健康快速评估。同时由于使用来Fuzzy理论,所以其结果更加适合人们的接受方式,更能体现数据本质的概率特性。对实际数据的仿真分析可以发现该算法在健康快速评估上具有高的识别准确度。
    • 吴联梓; 王霁松
    • 摘要: 作为一种电网系统运行的重要部件,瓷支柱绝缘子起着支撑导线和绝缘的作用.对瓷支柱绝缘子检测和质量评价对于电网安全十分重要,传统方法由于对噪声的敏感性效率较低,本文提出的基于粗糙邻近的K-NN的瓷支柱绝缘子缺陷检测方法,引入了粗糙集理论,可以较好地应对样本中的噪声信息.实验表明本文提出的方法有较好的精度表现,具有较高实际应用价值.
    • 李扬帆; 李煜
    • 摘要: 目的 电针治疗75例海洛因依赖者,以90项症状自评量表(SCL-90)评价疗效,基于RoughSet决策表进行属性重要度分析,探索针刺抗复吸的核心机制.方法 75例海洛因依赖者按成瘾度轻、中、重,分A、B、C3组,每组25例.3组均电针双侧夹脊穴(T5-7,L2)、内关、合谷、足三里、三阴交.治疗前展开一般情况、艾森克人格问卷(EPQ)和SCL-90流行病学调查,治疗后再以SCL-90评价疗效,基于RoughSet行数据挖掘.结果 滥用方式、E(内外倾向性)、婚姻状况、N(情绪稳定性)、组别等属性对SCL-90疗效的关联度最高;中、重度成瘾组与SCL-90有效的关联度最高,二者无明显差别.结论 电针对海洛因依赖者SCL-90症状有显著的良性干预,且中、重度成瘾者针刺疗效显著.
    • 韩加亮; 吴渝
    • 摘要: An approach for key frame extraction based on Rough Set and SVM is introduced in the paper, which comprehensively utilises the DC coefficient of P frame and B frame and the motion features in compressed domain of MPEG video stream as well as the nor-compressed domain texture features. First, the method extracts the DC coefficient of P frame and B frame from video stream, and then it analyses the motion-activity, the motion-space distribution and the type of macro blocks. After the frame texture features are extracted, Rough Set is employed to conduct the reduction on them and SVM is used to sort and identify them afterwards. Experimental results show that the approach is effective in key frame identification.%综合利用MPEG视频流压缩域中P帧、B帧的DC系数和运动特征以及非压缩域纹理特征,提出一种基于RoughSVM的关键帧提取方法.该方法首先提取视频流中P帧、B帧的DC系数、分析运动活力性和运动空间分布和宏块类型、提取的纹理特征后,利用Rough Set对这些特征进行约减后,用SVM进行分类识别.实验表明,该方法能有效地识别关键帧.
    • 赖松兆
    • 摘要: 根据粗糙集的特点,结合灰色理论GM(1,1)结构体系,提出基于Rough Set的时间序列等距离粗模型结构,给出该模型的生成过程,利用非线性规划工程最佳化理论改进模型的数据预测精度.通过船栽GPS导航数值仿真实验结果表明:粗模型预测结果比较精确,该模型预测优于其它预测方法.
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