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喂料量的相关文献在1966年到2022年内共计179篇,主要集中在畜牧、动物医学、狩猎、蚕、蜂、化学工业、自动化技术、计算机技术 等领域,其中期刊论文117篇、会议论文2篇、专利文献12504篇;相关期刊72种,包括四川畜牧兽医、畜禽业、中国禽业导刊等; 相关会议2种,包括中南六省(区)自动化学会第32届学术年会、第七届中国优质禽育种与生产研究会学术讨论会暨代表大会等;喂料量的相关文献由344位作者贡献,包括吕柏源、丁爱萍、于宏亮等。



论文:117 占比:0.93%


论文:2 占比:0.02%


论文:12504 占比:99.06%





  • 吕柏源
  • 丁爱萍
  • 于宏亮
  • 任春理
  • 候迎春
  • 刘化果
  • 刘津良
  • 刘洪超
  • 刘胜
  • 周建中
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 赵纯伟
    • 摘要: 1技改前的基本情况1.1烧成系统的主机配置在国家高耗能行业重点领域节能降碳改造升级的背景下,根据水泥控股窑系统提质增效总体规划,华润水泥(封开)有限公司一线窑系统有提质增效需求。该生产线烧成系统的主机配置见表1。1.2技改前现状及存在的问题(1)生料喂料量不稳定。窑尾生料喂料量上下波动50~60t/h,窑头二次风温度较低,窑尾分解炉出口温度较高,窑操作员需要不断调整喂料量和喂煤量,操作难度大,从而导致熟料日产量波动频繁。
    • 许寒飞; 李扬; 王莉; 韩继庆; 胡玉涛; 张永昌; 何煦
    • 摘要: 在利用聚乙烯(PE)粉-石蜡油共混进行湿法隔膜生产时,改变喂料量和螺杆转速会使同向啮合双螺杆挤出机中的螺杆填充率也发生变化,对挤出机系统内熔体压力的稳定性影响很大。通过系统研究确定了螺杆填充率是影响熔体压力波动的一个重要因素。通过优化螺杆填充率,研究了双螺杆挤出机中的螺杆填充率对熔体压力波动的影响关系。经过多次生产验证,结果表明,在保证螺杆转速剪切力满足共混物料中组分分散剪切作用的同时,通过优化填充率彻底解决了熔体泵入口熔体压力波动大的问题,同时还能保证挤出机以稳定的压力和流量挤出物料,既能提高挤出系统的稳定性又能提升产品的质量。
    • 摘要: 冬季温度较低,容易导致蛋鸭应激。蛋鸭应激后采食减少,甚至会因互相踩踏造成鸭只受伤,引起产蛋量下降。建议养殖场户随时观察鸭群状况,定期抽测鸭群体重,掌握鸭群体重和蛋重变化情况,从而及时调整喂料量;同时,在饲养过程中应给鸭群创造一个安静稳定的饲养环境,减少噪音,非饲养人员尽量避免进入鸭舍;及时清理鸭舍墙壁和鸭笼上的粉尘.
    • 童焱
    • 摘要: 水泥工艺中熟料锻烧要求五稳保一稳,其中入窑生料喂料量稳定是很重要的一项。当出现入窑生料量波动时,技术人员第一反应是检查计量秤的准确性,近年来,转子秤也开始推广应用于生料计量。笔者认为入窑生料喂料量稳定是一个系统问题,是需要多举措保证的,不是一个好的计量设备就能解决的,本文介绍我公司稳定入窑生料喂料量的措施。
    • 徽报
    • 摘要: 配种后一星期这一星期是卵子受精以及受精卵分裂的关键时期,若此时母猪代谢过盛,会使部分受精卵死亡,从而降低产仔数。所以,母猪配种后一星期内切忌喂料过多,日喂料量以1.5~1.8公斤为宜,最多不可超过2公斤。
    • 王咏梅; 黄晓鹏; 吴劲锋
    • 摘要: 环模制粒成型技术以其高效率、高成型率、强适应性等优点广泛应用于生物质能源和饲料产业等领域.该文以苜蓿草粉为原料,应用POLYFLOW软件对环模制粒机挤压区流场进行数值模拟,研究了喂料量、环模转速和物料含水率的变化对流场压力、速度、剪切速率和黏度分布特性的影响规律,并以试验验证,旨在为生产工艺的有效控制提供参考依据.结果表明:在结构参数等条件一定的情况下,增大喂料量,流场压力升高,挤压成型区域扩大,且物料以较快的速度作层流运动,流场剪切速率降低,黏度增大,出模压力和成型密度较大;减小环模转速,流场压力和挤压成型区增大,流动速度减小,剪切速率降低,黏度较大,但出模压力和成型密度降低;物料含水率降低使流场压力、黏度、出模压力和成型密度增加.通过比较得出:当喂料量为6 t/h、环模线速度为6.5 m/s和物料含水率为15%时所形成的流场有利于苜蓿草粉的制粒成型.%Rotary roll extrusion pelleting technology has been widely used in the bioenergy industry, feed industry, chemical industry, pharmacy industry, and so on, because of the advantages such as high productivity, high forming rate, high adaptability and low pollution. By working principle analysis, numerical simulation, and experimental research, this paper revealed the distribution laws of internal flow field at different process parameters of ring die pellet mill in order to provide reference for the effective control of actual production process. First, the numerical simulation of two-dimensional isothermal flow field in the extruding domain of the ring die pellet mill MUZL420 with granulated alfalfa as the pelletizing material was performed by the POLYFLOW based on the reasonable simplification. The structural parameters of the pellet mill MUZL420 were as follows: The ring die diameter was 420 mm, the ring die width was 180 mm, the number of rollers was 2, the roller diameter was 203 mm, the percentage of the die opening area was 44.2%, the die hole diameter was 8 mm, and the die hole length was 54 mm. Effects of the changes in the feeding rate, ringdie speed and material moisture content on the distribution laws of pressure, velocity, shear rate and viscosity in the fluid field were analyzed on basis of the contour plots and cloud charts generated by CFD-POST. Then the extruding force in the exit of each die hole was captured by the Probe function in the CFD-POST. Next, according to the different process parameters set by the above numerical simulation, the experiments were carried out to measure the density of forming alfalfa pellet using the ring die pellet mill MUZL420. Finally, it was concluded by comparison that the forming density of alfalfa pellet increased with the increase of extruding force, which verified the validity of numerical simulation to some extent. The results showed that: 1) In the case of the same structural parameters and other conditions, increasing the feeding rate made the pressure in flow field gradually increase from higher negative pressure to positive pressure along the material flow direction, and the extruding area enlarged and the material here approximated to laminar flow, which improved the granulation yield and the product compactness. At the same time the shear rate was smaller and the viscosity and extruding force and forming density were larger. 2) Decreasing the ringdie speed led to the positive increase in fluid pressure along the material flow direction and the decrease in flow velocity and shear rate, in addition to obtaining larger extruding area and viscosity. However, the extruding pressure and forming density were reduced with the decrease in ringdie speed. 3) Decreasing material moisture content made the increase in pressure and viscosity and extruding pressure and forming density. 4) Only considering the pelletizing density, the optimal parameters combination in various combinations of the factor levels in this paper was as follows: The feeding rate was 6 t/h, the ringdie speed was 6.5 m/s, and the material moisture content was 15%.
    • 摘要: 配种后3天母猪配种后3天切忌喂料过多,日喂料量以1.5-1.8公斤为宜。分娩后3天防止母猪产后感染,科学接产护理仔猪。注意保暖,务必要让仔猪吃上初乳;第3天及时补铁、补硒,防止贫血。断奶后3天离开母猪的呵护,仔猪身上停止母源抗体供应,应喂优质的适口饲料,数量由少到多,每天由5次过渡到3次,同时确保圈舍环境舒适。转群后3天先用原来的饲料饲喂,待仔猪适应新环境后,
    • 楚天
    • 摘要: 配种后3天母猪配种后3天切忌喂料过多,日喂料量以1.5~1.8公斤为宜,若过多会降低产仔率.
    • 摘要: 母猪怀孕后,合子在第9~13天的附植初期,易受各种因素的影响而死亡,妊娠后第3周出现第2个死亡高峰,2次死亡数占合子总数的30%-40%;第3个死亡高峰出现在交配后60~70天。生产中可通过加强饲养管理,改善猪舍环境,把胚胎损失减到最低程度。猪舍的温度保持在16~22°C,相对湿度维持在70%-80%。配种后喂料量应降低到原来的较低水平,但应保证优质全价。保持圈舍清洁卫生,减少感染机会。
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