首页> 外文期刊>British journal of nursing: BJN >The application of crime science to the prevention of medication errors.

The application of crime science to the prevention of medication errors.


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It is now accepted that human error in healthcare is inevitable and that a punitive response does not facilitate patient safety. Reason's (2000) system approach acknowledges that adverse events, such as medication errors, rarely have a single explanation and advocates the review of systemic factors, such as organizational culture, management and strategy. Rational choice theory has much in common with the system approach but the emphasis is on understanding the decision-making process of those who make errors. It could therefore be used in conjunction with the system approach to enhance the ability of healthcare providers to learn from medication errors and other adverse events. The aim of this article is to explore the relationship between rational choice theory and the system approach to error management in nursing.
机译:现在,人们公认医疗保健中的人为错误是不可避免的,而惩罚性的回应并不能促进患者的安全。 Reason(2000)的系统方法承认不良事件(例如用药错误)很少有单一的解释,并主张对系统性因素(例如组织文化,管理和策略)进行审查。理性选择理论与系统方法有很多共同点,但重点在于理解犯错误者的决策过程。因此,它可以与系统方法结合使用,以增强医疗保健提供者从用药错误和其他不良事件中学习的能力。本文旨在探讨理性选择理论与护理错误管理系统方法之间的关系。



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