首页> 外文期刊>Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies >Effect of screening and subculture on the production of betaxanthins in Beta vulgaris L. var. 'Dark Detroit' callus culture

Effect of screening and subculture on the production of betaxanthins in Beta vulgaris L. var. 'Dark Detroit' callus culture


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Plant cell culture is an innovative technology to produce a variety of substances including natural dyes. Betaxanthins are considered food-safe nutraceutics pigments because exhibit antiradical and antioxidant activity. An important obstacle for developing large-scale production systems based in plant cells has been the instability of metabolite accumulation. In this work, a protocol was established to obtain yellow callus of B. vulgaris var. 'Dark Detroit'. Homogeneous and heterogeneous pigmented callus were obtained with yellow, red, orange and colorless phenotype. Particular attention was done to isolate and establish a yellow line. After continuous screening of the more intense yellow callus it was possible to increase the betaxanthins production 1.8-fold after 48 subcultures. Spectrophotometric and chromatographic analysis of the pigments, confirmed the presence of betaxanthins. HPLC analysis indicated two mainly distinct betaxanthins, vulgaxanthin I and II. B. vulgaris yellow callus line did not loose pigment production ability as a result of long-term subculture.
机译:植物细胞培养是一种创新技术,可生产包括天然染料在内的多种物质。甜菜黄素被认为是食品安全的营养颜料,因为它们具有抗自由基和抗氧化的作用。发展基于植物细胞的大规模生产系统的重要障碍是代谢物积累的不稳定性。在这项工作中,建立了一个协议来获得寻常型芽孢杆菌的黄色愈伤组织。 “底特律黑暗”。获得具有黄色,红色,橙色和无色表型的同质和异质色素愈伤组织。特别注意隔离并建立黄线。连续筛选出更强的黄色愈伤组织后,经过48次传代培养,可以将虾青素的产量提高1.8倍。颜料的分光光度法和色谱分析证实了虾青素的存在。 HPLC分析表明两种主要不同的虾青素,寻常黄嘌呤I和II。由于长期传代培养,寻常型黄色芽孢愈伤组织不丧失色素生产能力。



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