首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Enterprise Information Management >Investigating the moderating effects of organizational culture and leadership style on IT-adoption and knowledge-sharing intention

Investigating the moderating effects of organizational culture and leadership style on IT-adoption and knowledge-sharing intention


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Purpose - In light of the important roles of organizational culture and leadership style in IT-adoption intention and knowledge-sharing intention, the purpose of this paper is to investigate the relationships among IT involvement, IT-adoption intention, and knowledge-sharing intention, as well as the moderating effects of organizational culture and leadership style on IT-adoption intention and knowledge-sharing intention. Design/methodology/approach - This study begins with a literature review followed by the use of a questionnaire method and statistical analytical techniques (hierarchical regression analysis) to investigate the relationships among IT involvement, IT-adoption intention, knowledge-sharing intention, organizational culture, and leadership style. Findings - The result showed that IT involvement has a significant and positive influence on IT-adoption intention, which further affects the knowledge-sharing intention. Moreover, organizational culture and leadership style have moderating effects on the IT adoption and knowledge-sharing intention. Research limitations/implications - This research applied a purposive sampling method and obtained a slightly inadequate number of respondents. Therefore, it is suggested that future research should apply random sampling method to collect more responses and increase the generalizability of the findings. Practical implications - This research suggests that organizations which adopt servant leadership or charismatic leadership, as well as organizations with clan or hierarchy cultures should work on enhancing staff's knowledge-sharing intention by first raising their IT-adoption intention. Originality/value - If an enterprise would like to encourage its staff to be more proactive at adopting IT and more willing to share knowledge, then it should first examine its current leadership style and organizational culture in order to propose concrete and effective methods to achieve this, and at the same time, this can help stimulate organizational learning and generate new ideas and knowledge.
机译:目的 - 鉴于组织文化和领导风格在IT的重要作用和知识共享意图,本文的目的是调查它参与,IT - 采用意图和知识共享意图之间的关系,以及组织文化和领导风格对IT采用意图和知识共享意图的调节效果。设计/方法/方法 - 本研究开始于文献综述,然后使用调查问卷方法和统计分析技术(分层回归分析)来研究其参与的关系,IT-Advional意图,知识共享意图,组织文化和领导风格。调查结果表明,它参与对IT采用意图具有显着和积极的影响,这进一步影响了知识共享意图。此外,组织文化和领导风格对IT采用和知识共享意图具有适应性的影响。研究限制/含义 - 本研究应用了一种有目的采样方法,并获得了略微不足的受访者。因此,建议将来的研究应该应用随机采样方法来收集更多的响应并提高调查结果的概括性。实际意义 - 本研究表明,采用仆人领导或魅力领导的组织以及具有宗族或等级文化的组织应该通过首先提高其IT采用意图来提高员工的知识共享意图。原创性/价值 - 如果企业愿意鼓励其工作人员更积极地采用它,并更愿意分享知识,那么它应该首先审查其当前的领导风格和组织文化,以提出具体和有效的方法来实现这一目标,同时,这可以帮助刺激组织学习并产生新的想法和知识。



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