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Association of classroom participation and examination performance in a first-year medical school course


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Millis RM, Dyson S, Cannon D. Association of classroom participation and examination performance in a first-year medical school course. Adv Physiol Educ 33: 000-000, 2009; doi: 10.1152/advan.00028.2009.-The advent of internet-based delivery of basic medical science lectures may unintentionally lead to decreased classroom attendance and participation, thereby creating a distance learning paradigm. In this study, we tested the hypothesis that classroom attendance/participation may be positively correlated with performance on a written examination for first-year medical school instruction. The study subjects consisted of 115 first-year medical students. The introductory respiratory structure-function instruction was designed to include one noncompulsory pretest, four short postinstruction noncompulsory self-evaluation tests that were unannounced as to date and time, and one compulsory comprehensive examination. The relationship between attendance/participation, measured by the number of noncompulsory tests taken, and performance on the comprehensive examination was determined by Pearson's correlation coefficient, one-way ANOVA, and a chi(2)-test of significance. The average score on the pretest was 28%; for the same items on the comprehensive examination (posttest), the average score was 73%. For the 80 students who took the pretest, this translated to an overall score increase of 161%. Attendance/participation in four or five of the noncompulsory tests resulted in an 83.3% pass rate on the comprehensive exam compared with a rate of 52.9% for attendance/participation in three, two, one, or none of the five noncompulsory tests; the overall pass rate was 60.9%. There was a significant association between a high rate of classroom attendance/participation and a high score on the comprehensive examination ( Pearson's chi(2) = 8.599, P < 0.01). These findings suggest that classroom attendance/participation may be a significant determinant of performance of medical students on comprehensive examinations in first-year basic medical science courses. It is concluded that a substantial number of first-year medical students in this study could be at risk for poor performance because they may believe that there is an equivalency between internet- and classroom-based instruction in basic medical science courses.
机译:Millis RM,Dyson S和CannonD。医学院一年级课程的课堂参与和考试成绩协会。生理学进展33:000-000,2009; doi:10.1152 / advan.00028.2009.-基于Internet的基础医学讲座的提供的出现可能会无意间导致课堂出勤率和参与率下降,从而创建了远程学习范式。在这项研究中,我们测试了以下假设:在医学院一年级的笔试中,课堂出勤/参与与笔试成绩可能呈正相关。研究对象包括115名一年级医学生。呼吸结构功能入门指南的设计目的包括:一项非强制性的预测,四项在日期和时间上尚未宣布的短期短期非强制性自我评估测试以及一项强制性综合检查。通过皮尔逊相关系数,单向方差分析和显着性chi(2)检验确定参加/参与程度(通过参加的非强制性考试数量来衡量)与综合考试成绩之间的关系。预测的平均分数为28%;对于综合考试(后测)中的相同项目,平均得分为73%。对于参加预测的80名学生,这意味着总成绩提高了161%。参加/参加四或五门非强制性考试的学生通过综合考试的合格率为83.3%,而参加/参加五门非强制性考试中的三,二,一或五项考试的通过率为52.9%;总体合格率为60.9%。课堂出勤率/参与率高与综合检查得分高之间存在显着关联(Pearson's chi(2)= 8.599,P <0.01)。这些发现表明,上课/参加课堂活动可能是医学生在一年级基础医学课程中进行全面考试的重要决定因素。结论是,本研究中的大量一年级医学生可能会有表现不佳的风险,因为他们可能认为基础医学课程中基于互联网的教学与基于课堂的教学是等效的。



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