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Effects of UV Irradiation on Penicillium Strains Isolated from a Bread Plant and the Application to Bakery Products


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We tested treatement with UV irradiation for controlling the growth of bread mold. First, we analyzed the sterilizing effect of a dose of approximately 25 mJ/cm(2) radiation on nine Penicillium and two Talaromyces strains that were isolated from a bread-manufacturing plant. The P. chermesinum and P. paneum strains were sterilized completely at that dose, while it was only partially effective against P corylophilum. P. chrysogenum and P. decumbens were sterilized at a dose of approximately 120 mJ/cm(2), while T. amestolkiae was sterilized at approximately 150 mJ/cm(2). Sterilization of T. cecidicola and P. hispanicum required more than 200 mJ/cm(2) of radiation. These results suggest that UV resistance varies depending on the species and the strains. We also carried out UV irradiation of bread at 70 mJ/cm(2): a dose at which the taste of bread is not affected; we observed that mold growth was delayed visibly compared to the non-irradiated bread. These results suggest that UV irradiation at 70 mJ/cm(2) is effective at delaying mold growth, though it does not cause complete sterilization. This method should prove useful for extending the shelf-life of bread.
机译:我们用UV辐射测试治疗,用于控制面包模具的生长。首先,我们分析了九种青霉素和两种与面包制造厂分离的塔拉莫氏菌株的剂量的灭菌效果。 P.Chermesinum和P.Paneum菌株完全灭菌,同时灭菌,同时仅对P辅助嗜磷磷脂部分有效。 P. Chrysogenum和P. depumbens以约120mJ / cm(2)的剂量灭菌,而T.Amestolkiae在约150mJ / cm(2)下灭菌。 T. Cecidicola和P. Hispanicum的灭菌需要超过200mJ / cm(2)次辐射。这些结果表明紫外线抗性根据物种和菌株而变化。我们还在70 mJ / cm(2)中进行紫外线照射面包:面包味的剂量不受影响;我们观察到与非照射面包相比,模具生长明显延迟。这些结果表明,70mJ / cm(2)的UV照射在延迟模具生长下有效,但它不会引起完全的灭菌。这种方法应该证明是延长面包的保质期有用。



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