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Dysmorphologic assessment in 115 Mayer-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser patients


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Mayer-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser (MRKH) patients are characterized by congenital aplasia of the uterus and the upper part of the vagina, with normal secondary sexual characteristics. This disorders affects one in 4000-5000 females and it is classified as typical, type I or isolated, and as atypical, type II, manifesting additional malformations. To date, no specific study has addressed the question of facial features in MRKH patients. The aim of this study is to perform a dysmorphological assessment of a large cohort of patients. We studied 115 women referred to our center from 2008 to 2012. Seventy-two percentage (83/115) of our patients showed isolated uterovaginal aplasia (MRKH type I); 32/115 (28%) had other abnormalities including kidney and cardiac defects, skeletal anomalies, and hearing impairment. Auxologic investigations comprised measurements of height, weight, BMI, head circumference, arm span, span to height ratio, hand length, middle finger length, foot length, inner and outer intercanthal distance, and auricle length. All patients had normal measurements, except for the outer canthal distance-inner canthal distance ratio, which was consistent with elongated eyelids. Women with MRKH syndromes do not present a typical facial feature and a dysmorphological examination of all patients seems unnecessary. However, a multidisciplinary approach is useful with respect to explaining the etiology, interpreting test results, and counseling.
机译:Mayer-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser(MRKH)患者的特征是子宫和阴道上部先天性发育不良,具有正常的继发性特征。这种疾病影响着4000-5000名女性中的一种,被分类为典型的I型或孤立的,以及非典型的II型,表现出其他畸形。迄今为止,还没有针对MRKH患者的面部特征的具体研究。这项研究的目的是对一大批患者进行畸形评估。我们研究了2008年至2012年转诊到我们中心的115名妇女。我们有72%(83/115)的患者表现出孤立的子宫阴道发育不良(I型MRKH); 32/115(28%)患有其他异常,包括肾脏和心脏缺陷,骨骼异常和听力障碍。辅助检查包括测量身高,体重,体重指数,头围,臂展,跨度与身高之比,手长,中指长度,脚长,内,外can间距离以及耳廓长度。除外can距离-内can距离之比与长眼睑一致外,所有患者均正常。患有MRKH综合征的女性没有典型的面部特征,对所有患者进行畸形检查似乎都是不必要的。但是,在解释病因,解释测试结果和咨询方面,多学科方法是有用的。



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