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The cerebellar deficit hypothesis and dyslexic tendencies in a non-clinical sample


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In order to assess the relationship between cerebellar deficits and dyslexic tendencies in a non-clinical sample, 27 primary school children aged 8-9 completed a cerebellar soft signs battery and were additionally assessed for reading age, sequential memory, picture arrangement and knowledge of common sequences. An average measure of the soft signs data established a single construct which we treated as our primary index of cerebellar function. Overall cerebellar function was significantly correlated with reading age, picture arrangement and knowledge of common sequences even when IQ was partialled out. Graphical representation of our data indicated a continuous rather than discrete distribution for each measure. Results are discussed in terms of the CDH and continuum approaches to dyslexia. Copyright (c) 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
机译:为了评估非临床样本中的小脑缺陷与阅读困难倾向之间的关系,对27位8-9岁的小学生完成了小脑软信号电池的评估,并对其阅读年龄,顺序记忆,图片排列和常识进行了评估。序列。软信号数据的平均量度建立了一个单一的结构,我们将其作为小脑功能的主要指标。小脑整体功能与阅读年龄,图片排列和常见序列知识显着相关,即使智商有所下降也是如此。我们数据的图形表示表示每个度量的连续而不是离散分布。结果以CDH和阅读障碍的连续方法进行了讨论。版权所有(c)2005 John Wiley&Sons,Ltd.



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