首页> 外文期刊>Hepatology: Official Journal of the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases >A functional classification of ABCB4 variations causing progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis type 3

A functional classification of ABCB4 variations causing progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis type 3


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Progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis type 3 is caused by biallelic variations of ABCB4, most often (70%) missense. In this study, we examined the effects of 12 missense variations identified in progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis type 3 patients. We classified these variations on the basis of the defects thus identified and explored potential rescue of trafficking-defective mutants by pharmacological means. Variations were reproduced in the ABCB4 complementary DNA and the mutants, thus obtained, expressed in HepG2 and HEK293 cells. Three mutants were either fully (I541F and L556R) or largely (Q855L) retained in the endoplasmic reticulum, in an immature form. Rescue of the defect, i.e., increase in the mature form at the bile canaliculi, was obtained by cell treatments with cyclosporin A or C and, to a lesser extent, B, D, or H. Five mutations with little or no effect on ABCB4 expression at the bile canaliculi caused a decrease (F357L, T775M, and G954S) or almost absence (S346I and P726L) of phosphatidylcholine secretion. Two mutants (T424A and N510S) were normally processed and expressed at the bile canaliculi, but their stability was reduced. We found no defect of the T175A mutant or of R652G, previously described as a polymorphism. In patients, the most severe phenotypes appreciated by the duration of transplant-free survival were caused by ABCB4 variants that were markedly retained in the endoplasmic reticulum and expressed in a homozygous status. Conclusion: ABCB4 variations can be classified as follows: nonsense variations (I) and, on the basis of current findings, missense variations that primarily affect the maturation (II), activity (III), or stability (IV) of the protein or have no detectable effect (V); this classification provides a strong basis for the development of genotype-based therapies. (Hepatology 2016;63:1620-1631)
机译:进行性3型家族性肝内胆汁淤积症是由ABCB4的双等位基因变异引起的,最常见的是(70%)错义。在这项研究中,我们检查了在3型进行性家族性肝内胆汁淤积症患者中发现的12种错义变异的影响。我们根据发现的缺陷对这些变异进行分类,并通过药理学方法探讨了对贩运缺陷型突变体的潜在拯救。在ABCB4互补DNA中复制了变异,并且由此获得的突变体在HepG2和HEK293细胞中表达。三个突变体以不成熟的形式完全保留在内质网中(I541F和L556R)或大部分(Q855L)。通过用环孢菌素A或C以及在较小程度上用B,D或H进行细胞处理,可以挽救缺陷,即增加胆小管的成熟形式。五个突变对ABCB4几乎没有影响胆小管中的表达引起磷脂酰胆碱分泌减少(F357L,T775M和G954S)或几乎不存在(S346I和P726L)。正常处理了两个突变体(T424A和N510S)并在胆小管中表达,但它们的稳定性降低了。我们没有发现先前描述为多态性的T175A突变体或R652G的缺陷。在患者中,无移植生存期所赞赏的最严重的表型是由ABCB4变体引起的,这些变体明显保留在内质网中并以纯合状态表达。结论:ABCB4变异可归类为:无意义变异(I),根据当前发现,主要影响蛋白质成熟(II),活性(III)或稳定性(IV)的错义变异或具有无可检测的作用(V);这种分类为基于基因型疗法的发展提供了坚实的基础。 (肝病学2016; 63:1620-1631)


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