首页> 外文期刊>Toxicology Letters: An International Journal Providing a Forum for Original and Pertinent Contributions in Toxicology Research >Utility of physiologically based pharmacokinetic models to drug development and rational drug discovery candidate selection.

Utility of physiologically based pharmacokinetic models to drug development and rational drug discovery candidate selection.


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The present paper proposes a modeling and simulation strategy for the prediction of pharmacokinetics (PK) of drug candidates by using currently available in silico and in vitro based prediction tools for absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion (ADME). These methods can be used to estimate specific ADME parameters (such as rate and extent of absorption into portal vein, volume of distribution, metabolic clearance in the liver). They can also be part of a physiologically based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) model to simulate concentration-time profiles in tissues and plasma resulting from the overall PK after intravenous or oral administration. Since the ADME prediction tools are built only on commonly generated in silico and in vitro data, they can be applied already in early drug discovery, prior to any in vivo study. With the suggested methodology, the following advantages of the mechanistic PBPK modeling framework can now be utilized to explore potential clinical candidates already in drug discovery: (i) prediction of plasma (blood) and tissue PK of drug candidates prior to in vivo experiments, (ii) supporting a better mechanistic understanding of PK properties, as well as helping the development of more rationale PK-PD relationships from tissue kinetic data predicted, and hence facilitating a more rational decision during clinical candidate selection, and (iii) the extrapolation across species, routes of administration and dose levels.
机译:本文提出了一种建模和仿真策略,通过使用当前可利用的计算机和体外基于吸收,分布,代谢和排泄(ADME)的预测工具来预测候选药物的药代动力学(PK)。这些方法可用于估计特定的ADME参数(例如,门静脉吸收的速率和程度,分布体积,肝脏中的代谢清除率)。它们也可以是基于生理的药代动力学(PBPK)模型的一部分,以模拟静脉或口服给药后整体PK产生的组织和血浆中的浓度-时间曲线。由于ADME预测工具仅基于通常生成的计算机模拟数据和体外数据,因此可以在进行任何体内研究之前将其应用于早期药物发现中。通过建议的方法,现在可以利用机制性PBPK模型框架的以下优点来探索已经在药物发现中使用的潜在临床候选药物:(i)在体内实验之前预测候选药物的血浆(血液)和组织PK,( ii)支持对PK特性的更好的机械理解,并帮助从预测的组织动力学数据发展更合理的PK-PD关系,从而有助于在临床候选者选择过程中做出更合理的决定,以及(iii)跨物种外推,给药途径和剂量水平。



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