首页> 外文期刊>The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition: Official Journal of the American Society for Clinical Nutrition >Consumption of artificially and sugar-sweetened beverages and incident type 2 diabetes: Methodologic concern about a recent epidemiological study

Consumption of artificially and sugar-sweetened beverages and incident type 2 diabetes: Methodologic concern about a recent epidemiological study


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In a recent issue of the Journal, Fagherazzi et al (1) revived the controversy about the safety of intense sweeteners. It has been repeatedly proven that increased sugar intake leads to weight gain (2) and that consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) is significantly associated with an increased risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D; reviews in reference 3). From the data on the E3N French cohort of 66,118 menopausal women, monitored between 1994 and 2007, Fagherazzi et al extend this risk to the consumption of artificially sweetened beverages (ASBs). However, several methodologic weaknesses cast doubt on the validity of their conclusions. First, it is unlikely that a single diet-history questionnaire from 1993 on eating and drinking habits during the previous year was sufficiently precise to quantify the amount of different beverages consumed during the following 14 y of medical consultations. The reference the authors provided to justify their survey methodology (4) shows a limited reproducibility of the data provided by such a questionnaire, as indicated by low correlation of coefficients between data of 2 diet-history questionnaires recorded at 1-y intervals. This reference also indicates a very poor relative validity because of the systematic differences between data provided by the questionnaires and the data of 12 repeated 24-h recalls. In addition, in the E3N questionnaire, the beverage recording was only partial because consumption at the traditional 2 main meals in France, lunch and dinner, was not taken into consideration.
机译:在《华尔街日报》的最新一期中,Fahgherazzi等人(1)重提了有关强力甜味剂安全性的争议。反复证明糖摄入量增加会导致体重增加(2),糖糖饮料(SSBs)的摄入与2型糖尿病的风险增加显着相关(T2D;参考文献3中的评论)。 Fagherazzi等人从1994年至2007年期间对法国E3N队列的66118名绝经妇女进行了研究,结果将这种风险扩展到了食用人造甜味饮料(ASB)中。但是,一些方法上的弱点使他们对结论的正确性产生怀疑。首先,1993年关于上一年的饮食习惯的饮食历史调查表不可能足够精确地量化随后14年的医疗咨询期间所消费的不同饮料的量。作者提供的证明其调查方法合理性的参考文献(4)显示,此类问卷提供的数据的可重复性有限,这是由以1年为间隔记录的2份饮食历史问卷的数据之间的系数之间的相关性较低所表明的。该参考文献还表明,由于问卷调查数据与12次重复的24小时召回数据之间的系统差异,相对有效性非常差。此外,在E3N调查表中,饮料记录只是部分记录的,因为未考虑法国传统的两种主要餐点(午餐和晚餐)的消费。



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