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Graffiti-a new guide to prevention and removal


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WHETHER YOU THINK graffiti is'cool art'or simple urban scrawl it is generally accepted that strategies are necessary to prevent illegal or unauthorised graffiti appearing, and to manage the graffiti once it has occurred. SAI Global has recently published a new guide to the prevention and removal of graffiti to assist Government departments, local councils, community organisations, transport operators and anyone concerned with graffiti management. The word graffiti was used by the Romans to describe writing on a wall. Most modern graffiti, is 'hip hop graffiti' so called because of its association with the hip hop music and dance culture, and includes 'tags' (letters or simple initials in different styles, colours and mediums, depicting the graffiti writer's signature or pseudonym) and more elaborate 'pieces' (short for masterpiece). Other forms of graffiti include political, social, humorous and racist graffiti.
机译:无论您认为涂鸦是“很酷的艺术”还是简单的城市涂鸦,人们普遍认为,必须采取策略来防止非法或未经授权的涂鸦出现,并在出现涂鸦后进行管理。 SAI Global最近发布了预防和消除涂鸦的新指南,以协助政府部门,地方议会,社区组织,运输运营商以及任何与涂鸦管理有关的人员。涂鸦一词被罗马人用来描述在墙上书写。最现代的涂鸦是“嘻哈涂鸦”,因为它与嘻哈音乐和舞蹈文化相关联,所以被称为“嘻哈涂鸦”,其中包括“标签”(字母或简单的缩写,其样式,颜色和媒介不同,描述了涂鸦作者的签名或笔名) )和更精致的“作品”(代表杰作)。涂鸦的其他形式包括政治,社会,幽默和种族主义涂鸦。



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