摘要:Objective To assess the language comprehension abilities of 2-3-year-old children with cerebral palsy and to study the associations between gross motor, fine motor, articulation and language comprehension. Methods A total of 136 children (24-47 months old) with cerebral palsy were included in the study. The Vocabulary Comprehension Test of Children(VCTC),Gross Motor Function Measure(GMFM-66),Fine Motor Function Measure (FMFM)and Huangzhaoming-Hanzhijuan Test(HHT)were used to measure the abilities of language comprehension, gross motor, fine motor and articulation,respectively. The occurrence of language comprehension delays was calculated and the test of significance was conducted to study the impact of age and gender on language comprehension and the correlations among gross motor, fine motor, articulation and language comprehension. Results ①76.5% of the subjects were delayed in language comprehension; ②There was a very significant difference in language comprehension abilities between different age groups(F=12.524,P<0.001) but no significant difference between boys and girls(F=0.140,P>0.05). ③There were statistically significant correlations between age, gross motor, fine motor, articulation and language comprehension. The coefficients were 0.443(P<0.001),0.659(P<0.001),0.673(P<0.001)and 0.527(P<0.001)respectively. Conclusion The occurrence of language comprehension delay is high among children with cerebral palsy. The language comprehension abilities of these children are improved with increasing age and closely associated with the abilities of gross motor, fine motor and articulation. Thus parents and therapists are supposed to pay high attention to the language rehabilitation.% 目的用儿童词语理解能力测验评估脑瘫幼儿的语言理解能力,研究语言理解与粗大运动、精细运动及构音能力之间的相关性.方法选取24~47个月的脑瘫患儿136例,分别用儿童词语理解能力测验、粗大运动功能评估量表-66、脑瘫儿童精细运动功能测试量表及黄昭鸣-韩知娟词表测试患儿的言语理解能力、粗大运动能力、精细运动能力及构音清晰度;统计患儿语言理解迟缓的发生率,对语言理解能力做年龄、性别维度的差异显著性检验,并检验语言理解与粗大、精细运动及构音能力之间的相关性.结果①76.5%的脑瘫患儿语言理解能力迟缓或严重迟缓;②不同年龄段患儿的语言理解能力有极其显著的差异(F=12.524,P<0.001),不同性别患儿的语言理解能力没有显著差异(F=0.140,P>0.05);③词语理解能力与月龄、构音清晰度、精细运动能力、粗大运动能力之间存在极其显著的相关性,相关系数分别为0.443(P<0.001),0.659(P<0.001),0.673(P<0.001),0.527(P<0.001).结论语言理解迟缓在脑瘫幼儿中发生率高;脑瘫幼儿的语言理解能力随年龄的增长而提高;语言理解能力与粗大、精细运动及构音能力有极其显著的相关性,其语言康复应该引起家长、治疗师的重视.