首页> 外文期刊>Software and systems modeling >Modeling compliance specifications in linear temporal logic, event processing language and property specification patterns: a controlled experiment on understandability

Modeling compliance specifications in linear temporal logic, event processing language and property specification patterns: a controlled experiment on understandability


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Mature verification and monitoring approaches, such as complex event processing and model checking, can be applied for checking compliance specifications at design time and runtime. Little is known about the understandability of the different formal and technical languages associated with these approaches. This uncertainty regarding understandability might be a major obstacle for the broad practical adoption of those techniques. This article reports a controlled experiment with 215 participants on the understandability of modeling compliance specifications in representative modeling languages, namely linear temporal logic (LTL), the complex event processing-based event processing language (EPL) and property specification patterns (PSP). The formalizations in PSP were overall more correct. That is, the pattern-based approach provides a higher level of understandability than EPL and LTL. More advanced users, however, seemingly are able to cope equally well with PSP and EPL in modeling compliance specifications.
机译:成熟的验证和监视方法(例如复杂的事件处理和模型检查)可用于在设计时和运行时检查合规性规范。对于与这些方法相关的不同形式和技术语言的可理解性知之甚少。关于可理解性的不确定性可能是这些技术广泛实际应用的主要障碍。本文报告了一个有215名参与者的受控实验,这些实验涉及代表性的建模语言(即线性时间逻辑(LTL),基于复杂事件处理的事件处理语言(EPL)和属性规范模式(PSP))中的建模合规性规范的可理解性。 PSP中的形式总体上更正确。也就是说,基于模式的方法比EPL和LTL提供了更高的可理解性。但是,更高级的用户似乎可以在对法规遵从性规范进行建模时同样很好地应对PSP和EPL。



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